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B&E Mage & Infiltrator
RedditSample Text
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.January 22, 2058
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information



  • Take care of her sister until she can support herself.
  • Figure out what happened to her parents. Maybe.
  • Fuck over the Red Vory in every possible way she can.


Annike Möx was born to a couple of parents with pretty bad drug problems. Predictably, this got them into both trouble and notable debt. Their home in the AGS soon became... unfeasibly hostile thanks to some unpaid debts to the Red Vory.

So, when Annike was very young, her parents burned their SINs and fled the country for Touristville, Seattle, where they hoped they could get lost in the sprawl. With what people they knew, what contacts they had - it worked for a while. Enough time for them to get Annike a basic magical education once she Awakened, and enough for them to have a second child - Klara. Unfortunately, these years of peace did not last.

When her parents learned that their cover had been blown for a second time, they decided that this time they needed a more drastic change. Their daughter - surely their daughter was well enough to support herself by now. Surely, with the magical education they'd managed to scrape together for her, she would be able to find some way to make money. And whatever surplus she had, well, surely it would be enough for her sister. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be practical for them to inform her of their departure far in advance. Where they were going next, well - they couldn't risk it being leaked.

Annike awoke one day to find that her parents had vanished without a single trace. No note, no contact. She had no idea where they fled to - and still doesn't, to this day. For all she knows, they could be dead in a ditch.

With a younger sister to take care of and suddenly no money-earners in the house, Annike was faced with a choice. Should she attempt to find legitimate employment, somehow acquire a SIN, and pursue the life of a wage-mage, or should she disappear into the shadows?

Annike chose the second. Alas, as she left the family abode, she was opened up on by waiting members of the Red Vory, who had missed the departure of the parents, but not the children. That day's memory is of rain mixed with blood and bullets.

Upon realizing the individuals they were looking for were not present, the Vory left Annike for dead in a ditch of her own, half-submerged in rising rainwater. She only survived by the charitable actions of a benevolent street doc, Bonesaw, who happened to have heard the gunshots and pulled them to safety.

After her recovery, Knack began her career in the shadows in earnest. Her subtle magics took well to thieving, which soon escalated to more and more complex burglaries. Throughout this, she never heard from her parents again, and without the abilitty to exert any control over that situation, began to blame herself for their depature. All the while, she's been trying to take care of her younger sister as best she can, though she was forced to move to Hell's Kitchen due to expenses.

After a long time building rep, her work eventually landed her an invitation to ShadowHaven. That's good, in her eyes - maybe she'll finally be important enough to be worthy of someone's care again.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit (Cat) - Quiet and with an odd sense of humor, Knack has a respectful but wary relationship with her mentor spirit. They've both got a cattitude.


Bi-Polar - Knack's emotional state is pretty unstable if she's not medicated. It's probably due to what she's gone through in her past, but... she's never been to a therapist, so who's to say?

Dependent (Inconvenience) - Knack's younger sister is dependent on her for income and a place to live. She's been trying to contribute what she can, but hasn't had much success.

Phobia (Common, Mild) (Rain) - The feeling and sounds of rain bring Knack back to a moment of near-death, drowning in a ditch while bleeding from gunshot wounds. Who wouldn't be a little afraid by association?

Prejudiced (Specific, Outspoken) (Red Vory) - The Red Vory are in some part responsible for Knack's abandonment as a teen, and shot her up for good measure. Fuck them.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Rookie MistakeRobintonLow27 June 2085
A Knack for SafecrackingLHOGMedium22 January 2085
Ash ReplevinSleeveyLa Famille Du PeintreDeadly27 December 2084
3EM20; Those Born EvilFangblade_Deadly24 December 2084
Hedge Your BetsAsmodeusRad Wars 2084Deadly26 November 2084
An Autoclave's Heat and PressureLHOGMedium9 November 2084
Falling Dusk, Part 1Açai.0Low8 October 2084
Wetwork of the Wurst KindVilliersMedium8 October 2084



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Bonesaw 4 1 Custom(A,G,K,N) Street Doc Street Doc, Combat Medic, Bioware, Cyberlimbs, Cyberware Even
Indus_(Contact) 6 1 Custom (G, A, K, N) Talismonger "Indus can you help me do my taxes?", Experimental UMT practicices., Cat, Pure Foci Materials, Wiccan (Goddess), Ritualist Even
Adeptus 2 1 Fixer(N,A,K,G) Fixer Spirit Expert, Magical Appraiser, Location, Location, Location Even
Chad Brent 2 1 Legwork KE Detective Demotion, Puyallup Precinct, Greasy Palms, Investigator (Detective), M&Ms (Detective) Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A knack is a talent for something specific.
6 Knack's activity in Seattle can be traced back almost 10 years. Traces of messages that suggest a family presence can be found, but those aren't present in more recent years.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
3 Knack goes to visit Bonesaw's clinic somewhat often.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy, but emotionally unstable unless medicated. Awakened.
2 No cyberware.
3 Situational.
4 Essence 6, Magic 6.
5 No geneware, deltaware, or nanotech.


Jannike Voigt, UCAS (R4)

  • R4 Mage License
  • R4 Firearms License



Knack perpetually looks either tired or downtrodden. She has messy blonde hair that comes down to about her chin, and amber brown eyes. Her clothes are generally long-sleeved and -legged, and she almost always wears gloves. She has skin that's pale, but not quite sickly, though she doesn't look like the healthiest kind of individual.

Matrix Persona

Knack's matrix persona is a shadowy, smoky form that obscures her features. The only source of light from it is its amber yellow eyes.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments