I swear to god do not sacrifice me for 3 mana

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Revision as of 16:05, 6 October 2023 by Lotus (talk | contribs)
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Hello, welcome to the Lotus GM style guide.

Views on characters being applied for jobs they will deny Don't. It wastes peoples time and the slots for the run. Presumably, their fixer tells them enough about the jobs they are going to to let them decide ahead of time that they don't want to.

Views on player sabotage This, on the other hand, provides player interaction and potential for interesting conflicts, and is perfectly fine by me. However, if you do intend to sabotage a run in my game, understand that you will have been considered to have consented to any PVP that results because of what you did. Be prepared to defend yourself if you get caught.

My take on the setting Lets be real, the setting of Shadowrun is a terrible place to live. Theres enough to make it a dystopia several times over, without getting to the literal demons. However, in my runs, I like to also show that there is hope. Things can be made better with enough effort. It will not be free or easy, but it can be done.

Consequences and failure. I feel like failure should be painful, but usually not the end. In the case of a character being burning edge to live, I would try to work with the player to develop a thematically and mechanically appropriate consequence for the situation and threat level. In terms of run failure, sometimes that happens, and I feel it is appropriate for the players to lose some of the rewards they would have gained if they had succeeded.

Other notes

I abide the idea that legwork and preparation should always be useful and give an advantage, even on otherwise straightforward runs. While I always try to ensure all characters have a spotlight, I am admittedly new to GMing, and will probably need help with the rules in some situations, notably matrix based ones.

I usually skip meeting your fixers and traveling to locations, because I do not like having to figure the logistics of shipping runners around.

If your in a situation where you don't make a surprise check, you don't get to roll shoot first don't ask questions. This applies both to not getting to roll one and not needing to roll one. If you had prep time for the combat, you asked questions.