Are you a Bringer?

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Are you a Bringer?
LocationGenqo ArcoBlok - THE SPIRE
Status Threat Level: DEADLY
Factions Involved
Genqo Pharmaceuticals
Red District
The Bringers Father Luxon
Red Ribbon
Sister Marjory
Casualties and losses
None Sister Marjory


A monstrous fright is plaguing Red District - our brave heroes are sent by multiple parties to vanquish such a foul foe.


Freydalia is pissed after a lab subject went missing - more so that it was something she wasn't cleared to know more about when it was such a hazardous asset. Regardless, she needs outside help to hunt down the threat.

What the team doesn't know is that this isn't the only missing asset currently.

Meanwhile the Ganger Kings of Red district are PISSED because something has killed Aeslin and a bunch of other gangers - making things a bit difficult for them and causing the Yzzm'Dazz SARZ to call out on pogchat about how Jesters got no hold. But they come to an agreement to meet.

The Meet

The team meets with Freydalia, and she is short and sweet and cagey about it all.

She explains how little she knows, what she can offer to the party, and what she needs done.

The party, largely hating her for her callous attitude (with the exception of Rurosha), takes the job and fails to negotiate for more money before being sent on their way.

The Plan

Well, the plan was scout around red and try to find the data they could first. POGChat, being the huge asset that it was, got the party noticed by Hands, a mysterious fixer who is a bit of a kingpin in the mix. He "asks" the party to meet up with Crusher and the ganger kings about lifting the lockdown that was imposed as they all landed in Red - imposed by Jonah after he called the meeting with the Ganger Kings.

The party then met with Crusher after leaving the Phallus Pallace (aka the Cock Castlle), stated their intent to deal with the problem. The kings asked the party to bring the beasty in dead instead of alive how Frey wanted, and offered an extra 8000 nuyen after negotiating.

Agreeing, the party left and were immediately jumped.

The Run

Sister Marjory had jumped off the roof of Stonky's Bar, attempting to impale Nearl with her bone spikes. Nearl took physical damage, but then the party (not as surprised as Sister Marjory had hoped) promptly styled on her and brought her to the ganger kings, where she was executed. Geneva, king of the SARZ, had one of her gangers post the newly decapitated corpse on a spike 'dracula style' outside her club on Yzzm'dazz.


The party got paid, and as thanks for getting the lockdown lifted, Hands got the party a free ticket out.

However, with the death of Sister Marjory, Father Luxon has awoken from his slumber and is FAR from pleased.

This has future reprocussions.


30k nuyen or (VEHICLES/FOCI/GREYWARE) gear rewards up to avail 18 (15rvp)

8k negotiation bonus

5 karma (5rvp)

Everyone owes Rurosha a favour

Hands has noticed this group


+20 rep with Red District (The Spire)

-20 rep with Genqo Pharmaceuticals

Rurosha instead takes -5 with Genqo Pharmaceuticals


Geneva - Connection 3 loyalty 1 (3rvp)

Rurosha can take first impressions at chargen rates

Nearl can take death dealer if they so choose

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Thunder When you think you can't be surprised is when you get blown away. The Spire. The Red District. A whole city below the ocean. Wow! And then there was some work to do. So many people wanting the same thing but differently. That was confusing. I think my cerebral booster needs a bit of fine tuning. Why did Freydalia get mad? We solved her problem. We even went further and made sure the problem wouldn't re-surface. Then again, Freydalia was in a bad mood even before we met her. I should probably not take her mood swings personally and bring her some DeepWeed next time we meet instead. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ganger Kings can help me get a hold of some so that I can bring her some on the way back all right.-