Go Ahead, Make My Way

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Go Ahead, Make My Way
LocationOrk Underground, Seattle
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved


Johnson needs a small, highly capable pair of bodyguards to escort him through the Ork Underground, and they can't be Skraacha affiliated because that's who he needs to get escorted to. A pair of unique and reasonably well known characters should help.


After a recent deal made by a certain cleaner of theirs, the Finnigans have opened up a new set of trade routes. While the team isn't aware of what's going on specifically, there's rumours around that the Finns are using the extra cash to load up on guns.

Blackhawk and Panda are both made aware that there's a Johnson who's heard of their reputation on the street - and specifically requested the pair of them. A sneaky hunter, and a standout straight shooter.

The Meet

In a bar named Paddy's, the pair meet with Mr. Johnson. And while Johnson's a little cagey about what he wants, he's not shy about what he wants to do: get through the Ork Underground. When pressed, he goes on to explain - a deal with the Skraacha, to improve relations and connections - to gain more power.

When 20,000 is put on the table, the runners are more than happy to escort Johnson through the underground.

The Plan

A few calls are placed promptly by the runners. Blackhawk gets in touch with Ghaz and is able to get information - first, on a route to take. And then, he arranges for the team to get safe passage further south, as Ghaz arranges a perimeter for the team to enter within their territory. Only problem is, Ghaz confirms that the route will go through 162's territory. Panda meanwhile calls on Greg, seeking aid - and getting it, as Greg calls various groups he knows in the Underground to warn them not to shoot the strange, slim cat panda thing.

On the way down, the pair arrange things such that Blackhawk was in front, with Panda staying by the Johnson's side as the vampire hunter scouted ahead. And so they proceeded down into the Ork Underground.

The Run

A tense march through the dark is interrupted when Blackhawk spots a band of infected ahead. After sneaking in close, the pair took aim - and quickly tagged a pair of ghouls. The lever action of Blackhawk's rifle racked round after round, Panda's revolver rattled off shot after shot - and quickly, the pair dispatched the entire gang of ghouls without a scratch - feeling only two close calls. Once, when a spray of blood nearly soaked Panda. And a second time, when a tripwire was spotted out by Blackhawk as he chased one of the last of the gang out of the room.

The shooting attracted more attention than they could handle by themselves, though - the sound of footsteps, the hand and footprints of ferals - the team realized they were in danger quickly thanks to Blackhawk's experience. But the one to save the moment is Panda - who uses his experience running away from consequences and angry dogs to clamber up to a pipe entrance, guiding Blackhawk up then pulling up the Johnson behind.

After spending some time lost, the team pressed on to find a group of orks, lost in the underground. They were prepared to move on when they overheard - Portuguese? Naturally, Panda approached at the opportunity to speak with them. And after establishing a quick rapport - the team had gained half a dozen followers.

When they reached friendly territory, the team discovered a firefight in progress between the Skraacha and the Ancients - and after briefly providing assistance, they were able to hand off the Johnson and complete the mission.


Johnson arrives and gets his meeting, and the runners get paid. Simple as.


Run Rewards for "Go Ahead, Make My Way" (High, 16 RVP)

20,000 Nuyen (10 RVP)

6 Karma (6 RVP)

2 CDP (Base)


Up to 8000 nuyen in Guns and Ammunition (2 RVP, up to 19F)

For Panda: Catlike, for being sneaky in an area that would result in very fast death (7 RVP)

For Blackhawk: Indomitable (Mental), for keeping his cool in a brutal situation and managing to spot out a trap that would have absolutely scuppered his day (8 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Blackhawk: "Johnson was a bit of a pain to escort but that is about what you'd expect from most of em.' Guess I just got used to the exceptional ones to notice much. But job got done and I owe a man a favor. Thankfully it's a good man so I can be somewhat at ease. But whatever the case I got paid... and bastards were sent to where they belong. Can't complain."