Effin' and Blindin'

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Revision as of 07:54, 23 November 2023 by Fangblade (talk | contribs) (→‎The Plan)
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Effin' and Blindin'
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
Holo-Hell Ascia Online Stream Team
Finnigan Family
Casualties and losses
0 2


A streamer from the Holo-Hell Ascia Online Stream Team is looking for her Ex who seems to be lost. In a moment of panic, they reach out for help before things go sideways.


Just like regular streamers, the folk part of the Holo-Hell Ascia Online Stream Team are affected by preasure from their director. When the actor who plays Emet-Selch is being threatened with graduation. This preasure sends Emily, the human behind the vtuber, to reach out to shady sources, which ends up having bad side effects.

The Meet

The team met the Johnson at a diner in the barrens, the UWU catgirl streamer standing out in her pink attire. She explained she was worried about her Ex, and that her comlink was in a weird part of town. They were tasked with finding the person who played Emet-Selch, her ex girlfriend Emily. Given the location of her home and the current contact location, the team set out to the contact.

The Plan

The runner team head to the commlink location to find a defeated Johan Liebert. Upset that he couldn't save Emily, he offered to bring her back as a corpse cadavre to give info on her murder. The team decided to call their contacts Johnny Two-Thumbs and Mr. Neil who both put the runners in contact with Karen 'Sketch' O'Malley. They affirmed that Emily was being blackmailed by another sect of the Finnigans, and would pay for the finnigans murder. Noteably, Hazard sent a live video to the Johnson of their expired partner's body, which caused her to spiral. Without checking in again, the team headed to the location of Emily's apartment.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)