
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 03:23, 26 April 2018 by Syneckdoche (talk | contribs)
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Ancients Lieutenant
Contact Ownersyneckdoche
Public Contact?Yes
LocationAuburn, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen/Favors
Hobbies/ViceLong Haul
Personal LifeBachelor


Ether is a former shadowrunner turned Ancients lieutenant. While her career as a runner was shortlived and unremarkable, she still managed to catch the attention of high ranking members of the Ancients while on a series of runs for them. They offered her a position working for them, primarily leading a team of smugglers carrying goods between Portland and Seattle. She held this position for a number of years and boasted one of the most impressive track records in the entire organization. After the retirement of a higher up, Ether was offered a promotion and moved up the ranks and became a lieutenant. Her current duties are to oversee smuggling operations in the greater Seattle area and coordinating with runners, primarily those associated with ShadowHaven. She also works more directly as a fixer for a select number of runners associated with the Ancients.

Key Dice Pools

  • Negotiation (Bargaining) 14(16) + 2 (Berwick combo) + 3 (Tailored Pheremones)
  • Etiquette (Street) 14(16) + 2 (Berwick combo) + 3 (Tailored Pheremones)
  • Con 14 + 2 (Berwick combo) + 3 (Tailored Pheremones) + 1 (Aztec Fly (Seduction))

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Edge Essence Magic
3 4(10 Cyber Arms) 4 3 8 4 3 3 1 1 0
Condition Monitor 12 (Physical), 10 (Stun)
Limits Physical (4), Mental (4), Social (10)
Initiative 8+1d6
Skills Negotiation: 6 (Bargaining); Etiquette 6 (Street); Con 6 (Fast Talk), Automatics 4, Perception 4
Knowledge Skills English: N, Sperethiel: 6, Street Gangs (Seattle): 6, Smuggler Routes: 6, Area Knowledge (Seattle): 4, Black Markets: 4, Smuggler Safe Houses: 2
Gear and Property Lifestyle (Medium), Ancients Safehouse (Obscure/Difficult to find), Transys Avalon, Sony Angel (2), Aztec Fly (2), Yamaha Raiden, 100 regular ammo (AR), Cyberware (including 2 Cyberarms and rating 3 Tailored Pheremones)
Armor Mortimer of London: Argentum Coat, Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit, Bone Lacing (Aluminum)
Vehicles Suzuki Mirage


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