Maid, Where's My Car?

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Maid, Where's My Car?
LocationBillings, Sioux Nation
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Bleach Character1
Casualties and losses
Bleach's car got stripped of its software. Sad!
Initiation Ordeal


Bleach gets some legwork done to help screwing over the Yaks. And her car gets stolen.


Bleach has some unsavory history with the Kenran-Kai Yakuza gumi. She's willing and eager to bite into this prey, but it has to be her doing it.

The Meet

Charon invites the maid over, apparently having some guys called 'Herenight' and 'Friedrich' over for unrelated business. She asks Bleach what she really wants with her life which the maid is uncertain of, unable to answer directly. Changing the approach, Charon asks what she hates and the answer comes more naturally: the Yakuza. Going from there, the socialite starts inquiring for what details the elf is willing to disclose and offers to do some quid pro quo: she'll help clear the path to her bloody vengeance and in exchange Bleach has to go do a couple of errands with no particularly dangerous implications beyond the usual shadowrunner dangers. Extracting a former Kenran-Kai cyberdoc that installed augmentations in the Yak enforcers from what she believes to be Tamanous. Bleach accepts, given a basic dossier on Howler Furo, a Renraku SINner that got pawned off to the Yakuza due to the sexist attitudes in Renraku hierarchies leading to the non-binary but female-presenting cybertech expert never rising in ranks despite having the skills. The Kenran-Kai needed a new doc and they were sold like a basketball player in the NBA.

The Plan

Bleach will drive to Billings, see if Charon's fears about this Tamanous organ farm being one of Foreman's labs is true and extract Howler. Admittedly, just having information about the lab is enough to satisfy Bleach's employer; extracting her alife with the 900,000 Nuyen credstick as payment will satisfy Bleach's requirements for getting closer to her revenge.

The Run

The 13 hour drive to Billings is already exhausting, but brand new software on the van makes it basically drive itself. Bleach encounters some Chulos in Billings that she manages to passably speak Aztlaner Spanish to, earning a decent amount of appreciation. She asks around a bit and with her level of Etiquette proficiency manages to get one of the gangers to disclose that people do occasionally go missing on the fringe edges of the city. Bleach starts looking and visits Lake Elmo, which appears to be steaming hot at all times. Unable to find anything concrete to go on, she goes to a motel to sleep after a long drive and go searching at night.

After waking up however, she finds her van's been stolen along with all the gear it had inside. With 5 APDS rounds, 36 subsonic bullets and a commlink, Bleach heads out and starts tracking her van. The agent on her commlink finds potential chop shops including a Lakota boathouse for smuggling, a Chulos chop shop for stolen cars and a defunct Korshari building with no specific details. Wanting to check the syndicate out of personal prejudice first, Bleach bypasses the guarding shadow hound and infiltrates the boat house, having to shoot a camera to enter and gymnastics her way across the roof. The dog, invisible in darkness, bumps into her and Bleach swiftly manages to paralyze it with nerve strikes so she doesn't have to put the animal down. Finding strange numbers in books that she doesn't understand and drug shipments, she leaves as the cops arrive due to the broken camera tripping an alarm.

Next she heads to the Chulos who did mention seeing the van offered by two homeless guys, Tom and Jerry. They tend to do anything for money to get more Crimson Orchid from the Lakota and offer two usual haunts for the homeless people. Bleach does find them thanks to a Lakota bartender's help and searching the downtown proximity, breaking Tom's jaw and shattering Jerry's ribs out of vindictive rage. The Lakota bartender offers to give her the car back, having it in safekeeping and suspecting it belonged to someone powerful. Unfortunately the software's all wiped so the Pilot rating is back to 1. Bleach promises to work with the bartender, finding his lost son who went looking at the disappearences.

Now she's set to approach Lake Elmo again. Finding an illusory ringmaster kiosk that offers all kinds of products in the middle of nowhere, Bleach is perturbed by the fact that it apparently showed up without warning and disappeared just as quickly -- still, it appears to be what she was looking for, a place to buy used ware from Tamanous. She's invited deeper into the hideout to get the doctor or, rather, negotiate for her. She does so not with a quirky circus themed individual but a frighteningly mundane office worker in a suit. The banal mundaneness of the man contrasts in a horrid way with the torture and vivisection that the man appears to have little reaction to. He's unwilling to accept 900,000 as the payment for the woman, preferring a round million instead, but Bleach manages to convince him to let her see Howler to ensure she's still sane from working in a place like this. Having confirmed the doc is here and able to negotiate a hard bargain about getting Tamanous willing med students as interns to cover Howler's absence as well as fresh bodies, she catches a 900 grand bargain for Howler who is grateful to be let out of this hellhole.


The Lakota bartender's son is left in Tamanous' grasp. Bleach drives back to Seattle with Howler, she gets to tell all kinds of dirty secrets about the Kenran-Kai suppliers which Charon puts the squeeze on, costing the gumi thousands upon thousands of nuyen as they have to find a new supplier, unfortunately the new one doesn't offer a nice discount and hamstrings the Yakuza for their augmentations. In addition, Charon is given confirmation that the organ farm is just that, nothing more. Still, she's displeased with it and promises to inform Bleach first and foremost if she manages an op later down the line to dismantle the distasteful farm.


  • Initiation Ordeal
  • 5 Karma
  • 40,000 Nuyen worth of Vehicle Mods for the Autosofts, Pilot Upgrades and BUY AN ANTI-THEFT SYSTEM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
  • Keep 50% of unspent nuyen as liquid change
  • 2 CDP
  • 1 Black Lodge Reputation
  • -2 Lakota Mafia Reputation

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Bleach - I've never been so mad. Those junkie morons. Last time I stay in a hotel that trashy, last time I sleep outside my fucking van. I'm getting a bed put in, I don't care at all what it costs.

So I drove imto Sioux territory to buy something. Don't worry about what. I get there, I catch some sleep, I wake up, my van's gone. Follow a red herring, find a dog, fistfight a dog. I won, obviously. Didn't find my van, so I went hunting in town. Few hours later, I get the van back and kick the junkies who stole it to the curb. They aren't dead. I bet Samsara'd call that progress! I bet they wish they were, too.

Then I bought the goods, and I went home.

No, there's nothing interesting to say about that part, don't worry about it. Boring negotiation, went smooth, left 40 people for dead in a torture hole in the ground. Not my problem. What, am I supposed to join them on the operating table? Fuck that.