Red Rover

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Red Rover
Red Rover art.jpg
Spellslinger Ganger
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - A
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


Loyal Crimson Crush goon, using her spellslinging mojo and physical prowess both to further their interests as she looks for her disappeared dad. Unaware that her blood harbors a dangerous secret.


  • Find out where her dad disappeared to!
  • Make the Crimson Crush number one in Redmond - no, all of Seattle!
  • Follow Dog's teachings and become a sickass spellslinger!


Hadley White was born to the girlfriend of a Crimson Crush lieutenant, a healthy (if premature) young girl in the Barrens. Unfortunately, her mother died in a ghoul attack when she was one, and her father disappeared soon after. The gang took pity on the girl and raised her as one of their own. She learned to walk the walk, to talk the talk, to fight, everything she'd need to thrive as a member of the Crimson Crush. She took to it all swimmingly, and was deeply grateful for the family she found herself raised by. Such was her gratitude, that when she awoke as an aspected mage, Dog appeared to her. He offered her guidance, nurturing her loyalty to her pack, while teaching her the ways of the street shaman. It was all a pretty sweet deal to her!

But still, something did poke at the back of her mind. Where the hell did her dad go? The rest of the Crush had no clue. Dog didn't really know either! She'd have to look further to find the answer. So, she made some connections, found a nice husband and wife duo that could give her work, and struck out to figure it out. Maybe while she's out there, she could find more ways to help out the Crimson Crush too! Only fair to pay back everything they've given her, right?

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Mentor Spirit (Dog): Red Rover has a deep respect for her totem. He appears to her as a voice and sometimes in the guise of a street dog, reminding her to do what she can for her "pack," the Crimson Crush. She sees her magic mostly as a tool to better fulfill this duty.
  • Made Man: Red Rover was raised by the Crimson Crush, and taught everything she needs to know to be a useful member. Her loyalty is unquestioned, and she considers them family.
  • Latent Dracomorphosis: Within her lies an untapped potential, that of the dragon's power. Of course, once it awakens, she'll have to make some difficult decisions in order to keep her adoptive family safe...


  • Addiction (Mild) (Kamikaze): She's never been particularly aware of the dangers of combat stims, and they're useful in a gang fight. As a result, she's developed a bit of a dependence.
  • Designated Omega: It's way easier to just do what the boss says, and she's conflated loyalty with strict obedience to the point where she often tends towards the latter.
  • Uneducated: The Crimson Crush didn't really... school her. She knows how to use a commlink, but technical knowledge wasn't important for being a proper goon.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Muck HuntRobinton13 September 2085
Urban BrawlingPeep_The_Dictator24 August 2085
Repairing the Supply ChainVilliers10 August 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Niamh O'Sullivan 3 3 Custom(A,K,N,G) Crimson Crush Matrix Support Race Traitor, Genuine Ganger, Rambling Study, Iterative Collaboration, Cracks Computers, Daring Decker, Crushing on Crimson Crush, Info-Gatherer, Sleaze Sensei, Gamer Girl, Mathemagics, Trog Historian Even
Carlos Blanco 3 2 Fixer(K,G,N,A) Town Gossip Rumer Mill, Tortuga Taco Truck, I Know A Guy, Corporate Lunchbreak Even
Blanca Blanco 2 2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Talismonger Talismonger, Enchanter, Street Shaman Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Crimson Crush Enforcer 2 4 Go Gang Maintaining Redmond, Touristville



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A children's game about running around?
3 The name of an enforcer for the Crimson Crush, Awakened of some kind.
6 A Crimson Crush enforcer, she's capable of physical combat without her magic and favors flashy spells like Fireball and Taser Fist. Quite loud and proud about her affiliations, but not very online.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A Crimson Crush
3 An ork spellcaster affiliated with the Crimson Crush, known for being direct and boisterous.
5 An ork aspected sorcerer who serves as an enforcer for the Crimson Crush. She's rather uneducated and eager to hit the Kamikaze, but if a blunt object is what you need, she'll do.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy, Awakened.
2 No cyberware. Aspected Mage.
3 Still no cyberware. High magic.
4 No cyberware or bioware. Magic and Essence are 6.
5 Subject is addicted to Kamikaze.


  • Samara Freeman, UCAS (R4)
    • Mage License
    • Firearms License
    • Bodyguard License


Scrawny for an Ork, but carries herself confidently. Dark hair and eyes with lighter brown skin. Hair kept shaved into a side cut.


Usually dressed in red faux leather Crimson Crush gang clothes, with half a dozen shamanic amulets hanging from her neck.

Matrix Persona

The default business person icon of a Hermes Ikon. She doesn't really know how to change it.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

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