The Smack That Smiles Back 1

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 17:46, 8 August 2024 by J.R. (talk | contribs) (→‎The Plan)
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The Smack That Smiles Back 1
LocationPuyallup, Seattle Metroplex, UCAS
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
David Smugglers
Major Corp
Awesome Possum


Osborne high in Puyallup was starting to struggle with a local drug ring that was pushing out more aggressively into the student body, leading to a student with ties to the ring disappeared from a local orphanage. Awesome Possum, a former resident of said orphanage, was contacted and asked if a small runner team would be up for some low rent hooder work helping unravel the mystery, find the boy, and break up the gang.


Some of this team was already suffering from fallout from their last run, so that made things extra spicy for almost everyone. Meanwhile a mid range distributor for the David Cartel decided he was going to break free and set up a drug ring with a truckload of stolen drugs. He set up in a stuffer shack in Puyallup, bought off the staff and found a gang of street kids that were already moving in a similar direction.

The Meet

The meet was a polite affair at the Puyallup St. Francis House orphanage. The staff of the orphanage was clearly concerned and gave the team a wealth of information to begin the legwork.

The Plan

Talk to the related kids, fosters and family. Stake out the neighborhood to find some of the faces everyone know is involved. "Do it live."

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

"I am glad the neighborhood can rest safe... though we must still take care of the Masons at a later date. Please call me when it becomes time to do so." - Narukami