Fruit of the Moneytree

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Revision as of 05:25, 14 November 2018 by Darklordiablo (talk | contribs)
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Fruit of the Moneytree
LocationDowntown Seattle
Result One very unfortunate woman sold to the Vory for an indeterminate amount of time
Factions Involved
Ares Vory
Commanders and leaders
Black Rose


"Somebody downtown needs to go."

"Out on vacation, disability or permanently, the buyer don't care, just as long as they are not at work for the next few weeks."

"Opposition? Single A during the day and Double A at night"

"Prepaid" your connection tells you. So all you have to worry about is your connection paying, not some Johnson.

"What could go wrong?"


Black Rose and Crosley quickly dived into investigating our target, one Susan Costello, a manager of an Ares payday loans bank. They investigated and scouted out her home, her workplace, her regular transit and her daughter's school, maintaining observation for three days to be certain. When Marionette caught up with the rest of the team after three days, the trio identified the weakest point of Susan's security (walking from the bank to her car), and formulated a plan: Make her get into the wrong car, and send her off somewhere for two weeks or more. Crosley's mind magic was used to make Susan get into Marionette's car, where she was quickly injected with slab to incapacitate her. The team mobilized, stopping briefly in a C zone to destroy her devices and Doc-Wagon bracelet (Which Black Rose took no chances with, grinding it into unrecognizable dust) A dropoff was made in Redmond, with the incapacitated woman getting thrown in the back of a Vory van.


Susan made the unfortunate career transition from 'Bank Manager' to 'Possession of the Vory'.

Her husband Benjamin is a manager and Decker with the Aries subsidiary Chromewatch. After one day he makes a small stir, after 1 week he is making a larger stir, and by two weeks he is making a full court press looking for who took his wife for a Westwind sports car ride.

At the end of two weeks, it is no surprise that the Vory have not released Susan. She would be horrified by what she is doing now if they ever let her personality reassert itself.


5 Karma, 10,000 Nuyen


5 Karma, 10,000 Nuyen


5 Karma, 10,000 Nuyen

Black Rose

5 Karma, 10,000 Nuyen