N0v4 H0t

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Revision as of 14:32, 11 January 2020 by Dusk (talk | contribs)
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N0v4 H0t
Contact OwnerDusk
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTouristville, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeSingle
Trust Lore
Not Data
Frag The Megacorps


Maggie grew up SINless. Despite being a dwarf she was raised by an ork foster family who happen to find her, as a baby, in a dumpster. When she was 12, she got hit by the crash 2.0, while playing some matrix games. Having survived that, a few months later, she emerged. Maggie never got formal decking training, instead she uses technomancer lore and her sprites to do her work for her.

Lend Gear

Instead of lending gear she will lend out registered sprites. Her Resonance rating is equal to her Connection and the maximum level of a sprite she will lend out is capped by her Resonance rating. She will charge 1000 x level of sprite, per sprite, per run. Treat her Connection x 2 as her fade resistance dicepool


Aspect Description
Technomancer Nova is a technomancer. +2 to pools for any active checks involving the Resonance attribute.
Technoshaman Nova shares a strong bond with her sprites. +2 to pools for any active checks involving skills from the Tasking skill group.
Hacktivist Growing up SINless, Nova learned whatever she did from the streets. +2 dice for any legwork rolls that involve skills from the Cracking group or the Software skill.
Trust Lore, Not Data Nova never received a formal education but she is one with the Resonance and understands the lore of the matrix. +2 dice to any knowledge rolls involving technomancers, the matrix, hosts, resonance, matrix games or matrix threats.
Frag The Megacorps Nova hates mega-corporations with a passion, especially MCT who are known to harvest technomancers. If you are paying her to run legwork against a AAA corporation, she gains +2 dice to legwork rolls.
Resonance Empathy Technomancers are an oppressed creed and she feels emphatic towards another that is tied to the weave of the resonance. If you are a resonant technomancer and have at least loyalty 3 with Nova; she gains +2 dice to any active or knowledge checks done for you.
Raised by Orks Nova is a dwarf raised by ork foster parents. Without them, she'd have died in a dumpster as a baby. If you are an ork, have at least 3 loyalty with Nova and aren't prejudiced against dwarves, she gains +2 dice to any active or knowledge checks done for you.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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