The Hangover

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 23:19, 11 February 2020 by Crit Happens (talk | contribs)
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The Hangover
Part of Metaplot
GMGeneric GM
Location(Target site of the run)
Factions Involved
Template:Player Character
Haven PC
Major Corp
Target Corp


Good intention Johnson wants his friend to experience the runner's life for this birthday, and drugs. Lots of drugs.


Johnson contacted Shadowhaven to hire five runners that were interested in celebrating his friend's birthday and were more accepting of unhealthy amounts of drug usage, and were not party poopers.

The Meet

Shadowhaven team gathered at the bar, Runner 16, were upon Nomad was confronted by a dwarf fan boy who assumed that Nomad was a Spikes poser. Nomad failed to wordlessly express to the dwarf how erroneous his assumption was, so tossed said dwarf onto a nearby table. Runner team then proceeded to the bar where they were directed to where the Johnson was waiting. The Johnson wore the attire of all Johnsons, but the meeting location was in the party area. Johnson reiterated what was said in the job request and provided the runners with one dosage of whatever drug they desired. Nomad took a betameth and immediately smoked it. Desdinova took a cram and immediately consumed it. Blue and Poppet took psyche and jazz respectively, but neither consumed their drugs.

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)