Reformation Hunt 3

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Reformation Hunt 3
Part of The Reformation
LocationPullayup, Seattle
Factions Involved
Caleb Richardson
Hand of Five
Mysterious Bounty Hunters


Lucky and MK teamed up to take out a hit on the third entry on The Bounty List

The Search

Lucky, funnily enough got lucky, his contact was able to tell him where the Hand of Five hideout Caleb ran was. They also hired Energizer to do some research, netting them some details about the guy, his photo and his listed home address.

The duo investigated the home address, and found that the place was lined with plastic explosive, clearly rigged to kill anyone who entered.

They proceeded to the HoF hideout, and enroute, encountered a mysterious group of armored vehicles, all sporting the same vehicle badge.

Mysterious Bounty Hunters

The Kill


Lucky and MK successfully delivered the first head on The Bounty List.


32,000¥ divided between 2 runners (16,000¥ each) 2 karma 2 CDP

Player After Action Reports (AARs)