Hiro Shirokane

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Hiro Shirokane
KE Detective (Gang Unit)
Ambitious Dirty Cop
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationDowntown Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodFavours
Hobbies/ViceCram, professionally
Personal LifeHuh, what?
FactionKnight Errant
AspectsPromoted Pawn (Knight)
Downtown (Downtown!)
Angler (Not that Kind)
Gang Genius


A hot-shot 'young' detective with Knight Errant's gang unit in Downtown, Officer Shirokane got where he is by being both ruthless and calculating in his pursuit of glory and success. Stalled for now by the fairly cushy nature of his job, Shirokane is basically helping shadowrunners out for thrills, happy to engage in light corruption for not all that much benefit as long as he can be sure he won't be caught.

Aspects Description

{!Example Negative Aspect
Aspect Description
This is an example negative aspect. You can write the fluff text here. Be sure to clear the negative aspect with thematics. If you do not wish to have a negative aspect, feel free to delete this section.
Example Positive Aspect This is an example positive aspect. You can write the fluff in here. Duplicate this section as many times as needed for your contact.


Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects


Player Characters with this Contact

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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Troll Killer KillersOptimismBeast21 April 2081