From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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GMAurora Borealis
LocationSpecial Location, (General area of run. Tacoma, Redmond, ect.)
Factions Involved
Ace Powers
Hot Mess
John Brown
El Ellie
The Flaming Skeleton Soldiers (Local Touristville gang)


The team was hired to stage a break in on a warehouse in Touristville to make it look like some idols had done the break-in themselves, as well as to promote and provide security for the rave that the idols were hosting there the next night. They promoted the party on the club scene, broke in to the warehouse, and got the rave going pretty well before a few local gangers showed up trying to ruin the fun. Luckily, the runners were able to


The Meet

All this will be filled in tommorrow, the sun is coming up and I'm going to get some sleep before finishing this

The Run

Some gangers fell to Hot Mess's flamethrower, while others threw away their weapons and danced uncontrollably at the urging of John Brown. The ganger decker had his deck bricked by Shiro, and the ganger mage tried missed Hot Mess with a spell before getting overcome with the need to dance instead of fight, then ran away when Baron and John Brown both summoned spirits. All of this was greatly aided by El Ellie's pacifist aura, which made all combat much harder for everyone but Hot Mess, who pre-edged his roles to ignore the limit reduction. The spirits pursued the fleeing mage, as well as the other remaining ganger who followed him, and they were captured and released later onto the street.


The Horizon battle idols are thriving, and a strange new wave of grunge-pop is sweeping through the Seattle J-Pop scene. Also, a triad warehouse now has a devilrat infestation.


  • 22k nuyen
  • 3 karma
  • 2 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)