It's High Noon

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It's High Noon
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Lone Star
Captain Boomerang


The Captain Boomerang, Shimmer and Mystique swap out some capsule rounds for depleted uranium in a gunslinger tournament to hurt the contestant that got the Johnson eliminated.


The Wild West Barrens Showdown at High Noon is a paintball gunslinger tournament in Touristville.

The Meet

The runners meet up with the Johnson at Runner Bar 16. After being shown to the meeting room by the bartender who clearly needs a new job, the Johnson tells them they need to swap out the ammo in the gun of one contestant, Mickey the Kid. When Mystique is negotiating for higher pay, it is made clear that the Johnson is rather incompetent and probably posing.

The Plan

The final plan was to hold up Mickey the Kid when he goes to get his gun, so his opponent, Leon "Wild Hog" Kelly, takes one gun, the swap the ammo out in the other gun. Then, during the confusion after Leon is shot, put up some illusions and have Shimmer crack the safe.

The Run

The team makes a matrix search to get more information about the tournament. It turns out that the Johnson was taking part in an earlier round, and was called eliminated even though he actually hit his opponent first. They also notice that Mickey the Kid's opponent for this match, Leon "Wild Hog" Kelly, was the Johnson's opponent when the Johnson got eliminated. The team decides to check the site out the day before the tournament to get a lay of the land. A Lone Star cop guarding the site checks their SINs and lets them inside. Mystique casts improved invisibility and stealth on Shimmer, and she heads off to the area the event will be held in to investigate. There is a building labeled "Town Bank" with a few workers outside of it, one of them complaining very loudly about issues with late shipments, who Shimmer is easily able to sneak by. Inside the building, she finds it is done up like a saloon inside, contrary to how it was labeled. There is a large prop safe inside, and under the counter are two boxes, one with two very fancy Savalette Guardians and the other with ammo for said pistols. Shimmer checks the basement, and notices there are bolts in the cieling which correspond to where the safe is located on the floor above.

The next day, the team comes back for the actual tournament.


Leon Kelly is shot and probably developing cancer near the bullet wound, the tournament is left prizeless and some poor orc, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, gets beaten up by Lone Star.


24,000 nuyen

1 karma

2 cdp

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


We... probably made this more difficult than it really needed to be. Cracking open the safe was fun! Kinda don't want to think about the bullet swap though...