Ghost in the Crowd

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Ghost in the Crowd
LocationDowntown Seattle; and Everett, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven EVO Subsidiary Security
Sea Breeze


The team was hired to stealthily acquire data associated with a specific cybertechnology project.


This EVO subsidiary lab in downtown Seattle has made some breakthroughs with cybertechnology user compatibility. Dr. Henry Wallace wanted to acquire the data, but without disrupting the lab, but was not able to through means available to him.

The Meet

The team met with Dr. Wallace at his clinic in Everett. It was short and went well.

The Plan

The team scouted out the building the lab was in physically with drones, managing to identify the security measures of the lab. Noticing an ad for a janitorial position inside the building, the team decides to make use of this as their primary infiltration vector, with backup plans to steal the keycard of the lab's data technician if needed.

The Run

Sea Breeze plants a data tap while working as a janitor in the lab, getting In4motion to hack the host to acquire the data. Sea Breeze then works as a janitor for a week, leaving with an excuse that her former place of employment is getting busier and thus need more hands.


The team hands the data over to Dr. Wallace, who seemed pleased. The lab did not notice that someone had stolen their data.


60,000 NuYen in cyberware or bioware, and 2 CDP


26,000 NuYen in cash, 2 Karma, and 2 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Ah, was wonderful run! Very quick, clean and quiet! I would love to work with them again in future if we decided to raid offices again!

Sea Breeze

Take notes kids, thats how pros do it! Hell we did so well that we could just sell the story to be Horizon´s next big trid!