A Question to be Axed

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A Question to be Axed
Disrupted Shadow Wraith
LocationJust outside of Touristville
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Shadow Spirits
Unnamed Wraith
Casualties and losses
None Unnamed Wraith


The team was called by Big K to prevent further killings in their neighborhood by an unknown threat, the team does just that and disrupts a Shadow Spirit that had been possessing an Executioner's Axe.


There had been a recent string of exceptionally grizzly murders pathing towards a neighborhood just outside of Touristville. Finally one of the Orks in the neighborhood was murdered and the community pooled their resources to hire a team of runners to resolve the problem as they knew the cops wouldn't do a damn thing.

The Meet

The team arrives at the home of Big K, the spokesman for the neighborhood who describes their problem and presents them with the somewhat limited cash reward they have. Upon being told that the most recent killing was in the house directly beside Big K, Relay sent their drones and Samsara went over themselves to investigate while Stygian and Oathbane finished the Irish Coffee provided to them by Big K. They discovered a heart amongst the mush of blood and gore that "pulsed" before a Shadow Spirit that was hiding inside of it emerged and fled the scene.

The Plan

The team decided to pursue the spirit.

The Run

Samsara and Relay rode on Relay's motorized wheelchair in a high speed chase of the spirit with Stygians Air spirit following them as he himself jumped into Oathbane's car. Oathbane sent a drone out to follow Relay just in case Relay needed a combat drone to assist since he had left his own at Big K's house. The Shadow Wraith attempted to concealment itself and flee into a homeless camp a quarter mile away but Samsara was able to spot the near-invisible axe and stop the spirit in its tracks. From there the team engaged the spirit and successfully put it down before it was able to do any serious harm to any of them, effectively solving the current situation but realizing that there was likely still a summoner and spirits about. Samsara and Stygian assensed the astral signature from one of the spirits spells and have put it to memory in case they encounter more Shadow Spirits so they can attempt to track down the summoner and fully end the threat.


The team has ended the immediate threat to the neighborhood and informed Big K it is likely that there may be more in the future. Big K informed them that he would need to ask a contact of his with the Sons of Sauron if they would be willing to assist in guarding the neighborhood until a permanent solution could be found. At this point Samsara requested to be introduced to the Sons and Big K warned that they may not like her but he would introduce them, as well he gave the team a large bowl of assorted corp/national scrip in payment.


8k Nuyen 8 Karma 4k Nuyen in avail 12 or less gear 2 CDP Samsara is able to WFTF with the Sons of Sauron as well as keeping the Shadow-Tainted Combat Axe

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)