What Did You Think Tomorrow?

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What Did You Think Tomorrow?
LocationHorizon Grid
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
The Walking People
Master Morty
Horizon Spider x2
Obscura Lexicanum
Casualties and losses
None None


Where the team of matrix specialists are brought together to collect some incriminating data from Horizon for the A.I. Rachel to allow her to blackmail the Corp into shutting down the Hotel California Host where she was created.


The Hotel California, a Host provided by Horizon for it's company members as a place for rest, relaxation and recuperation. However, the Corp secretly uses mind probing techniques to test the loyalty of it's employees, and as the song goes, those who are found guilty never leave. There is also another secret buried within the Foundation of this Host; a xenosapient creature capable of creating A.I.'s, and responsible for the creation of Rachel, an A.I. entity that escaped the foundation with the help of Ca1lyps0 and Master Morty on a previous run. Now Rachel seeks to destroy the Host and it's Foundation, and hopefully the xenosapient along with it.

The Meet

Invited to a private Host by M-07, a member of the Walking People and friend of Rachel, the team makes contact within the Matrix. The Walking People are true survivors, having survived both the first and second crash, and doing their best to survive the inevitable third. Accompanying him is Rachel, a two dimensional black hole hanging fixed in space, an A.I. of indeterminate power and intent. Rachel explains that she needs the team to find a way to track sensitive data that is can be used to blackmail Horizon into doing what she wants; namely shutting down the Hotel California Host. Ca1yps0 is at first concerned about who is doing the actual blackmailing, as she has many direct ties to Horizon that she does not wish to be burned. Rachel explains that she will handle that herself as necessary, and disappears abruptly, only to return moments later to reveal that Horizon is currently moving information of sufficient sensitivity to be worth her time, however the runners must move on this opportunity immediately if they wish to take advantage of it. The team decides to pursue the lead, and hops directly into the Horizon Grid to begin chasing the data trail.

The Plan

Find the Data Trail, discover the Rogue Host, get the information, and get out without getting burned.

The Run

The team enters the Horizon Host, immediately falling into a scene straight from the 1990's, full of sun, fun, and bright colors. Spending a passing moment, the team looks around for the data trail, and eventually spots a curious planetary energy beam shooting off into space. Ca1yps0's sprite manages to see that the beam is firing directly into what appears to be a life size replica of the Death Star, straight out of Star Wars. Unsurprisingly, it is guarded by a looming Star Destroyer, intimidating all with it's presence. Deciding to move closer, the mermaid sculpts a spaceship reminiscent of the Millenium Falcon, and the team zooms into space to get a closer look at their foe.

The team spends some time searching for the hidden Host, but nothing is revealed until Master Morty digs deep down within himself and forces the Host to reveal itself. A mysterious circular gateway, straight out of Stargate, reveals a mysterious pitch black planet of Onyx; and another Star Destroyer. Undeterred, Master Morty pilots the ship through the gate and closer to the planet, only to have it suddenly reveal itself as being no planet, but a giant mechanical head that appears to be swallowing the data stream as it is beamed directly into it's mouth. The ambient noise spikes, causing Ca1yps0 and Shutdown some discomfort, but the Master is seems to continue with no obvious issues. The fault sprite determines that there is no Host just the massive A.I. Persona that is devouring the data. Ca1yps0 uses her FAQ Complex Form, and determines that the A.I. is known as "The Warden" and it's name is Obscura Lexicanum, aka Dark Lexicon.

Once again using his mysterious powers of perception, Master Morty finds the specific data that Rachel is looking for; a data file labeled UCAS Politics/Petrovsky/Humanis. Curious about the A.I., the Master perceives the grand being, discovering in its myriad code that it was created by the xenomorph within the Hotel California Foundation, and that Horizon has plans to continue using the process to create more A.I.'s in service to the Corp. Intrigued by this knowledge, Morty files it away, and turns back to the data, disarming the data bomb and copying the file. As he is copying the file, the A.I. mysteriously disappears, and both Star Destroyers begin searching the area, aware that someone is in the system. Slightly panicking, the team decides to jack out with their prize, and avoid the possibility of detection.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)