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Activist Fixer
Contact Owner
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Redmond
Preferred Payment MethodService (Free-Labor or Performance Jobs)
Hobbies/ViceSpray painting corperate property
Personal LifeSingle
FactionStreets of Redmond
AspectsTemperance is a Virture
All are Welcome in the House of the Lord
Show no Fear
Soldiers of God!
Bring me your Huddled Masses
Know Thine Enemy
Preserve the Peace


Manuel Clayton, or "Priest", is a orkish fixer with connections to Seattle's Neo-Anarchist movements. He grew up as a street urchin in the Barrens, joining up with the Crimson Crush as soon as he was able. With a fast bike, solid rep, and severe Kamikaze addiction, Clayton had all the marks of an up-and-coming ganger. He became known for his ruthlessness, and seemed on track to become a lieutenant within the Crush. That is, until he got shot in the head.

During one of Redmond's many, many food riots, Clayton and his crew decided to go out looting. Things were going well, until they ran into a group of KE riot cops. The rest of the crew did the sensible thing and ran; Clayton, hopped up on enough Kami to kill a bear, started blasting. KE responded in kind, and put a round through Clayton's eye. Two in the chest, as well, for good measure. Clayton's life should have ended there, sprawled out on a filthy sidewalk in a pool of his own blood. Miraculously, though, he survived.

Six hours after getting shot, Clayton woke up. He was covered by a white sheet, lying in a row of corpses arranged by a local Catholic pastor. The pastor was quite shocked to see him alive, but allowed Clayton to stay and heal in the back room of their church. To say Clayton was different after his injury would be an understatement; whatever he saw in those six hours had triggered a complete spiritual awakening. He looked back on the cruelty and vice of his previous life, and decided that he would have no more. He quit the Kami cold turkey, and threw himself into studying under the pastor.

Clayton's interpretation of the scripture was... interesting. The pastor taught that Redmond was sick with sin and vice; Clayton concluded that it had been poisoned. The burden of sin lay not with the people, he claimed, but with the system that corrupts them. The corporations of the sixth world had shunned the light of god, poisoning the lord's creation with their pursuit of empty profit! To fight against them was not just right, it was a holy crusade! Clayton fell out with his pastor over their religious differences, and so he took to the streets to spread the good word.

Clayton, who came to be known as "Priest", started out organizing protests. As time went on and his resolve deepened, he began arranging more violent acts of resistance. He'd had a way with people ever since his injury, and found great success in the role of a fixer. He believes in the need for revolutionaries to get their hands dirty, and has no qualms about killing in service of a cause. In his spare time, he runs a small congregation in the Barrens. Most of his earnings as a fixer go towards improving the conditions within the slum.


Aspect Description
Vice is the chain of the oppressor Priest is extremely disapproving of drugs, believing them to be a tool for oppression. If you are on drugs while talking to Priest (even alcohol), you must get at least three successes on a con check. If you fail, Priest will launch into a rambling sermon on the corrupting poison you've put in your body. If your loyalty is below three, he will refuse to talk to you until you're sober. If it's three or above, he'll listen if you can convince him that it's a matter of life and death. In order to keep the contact, you must spend a week volunteering at his congregation.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
All are welcome in the house of the lord. Priest is able to provide minor medical care and low-lifestyle safehouses for little to no cost.
Show no fear, soldiers of god! Priest knows plenty of dauntless revolutionaries. If you can convince him that you're striking at the system, he can provide mercenaries that will do high risk work for significantly reduced rates.
Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. Priest spends most of his time on the streets of Redmond. As such, he has a keen ear for rumors and info that other fixers may miss.

Dice Pools

Knowledge Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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