Koncerning Kittens

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Koncerning Kittens
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Reality Hackers
Field Mouse
RH Goon x3
RH Mage
Beast Spirit
Casualties and losses
None Stunned, Surrendered and Banished


"Five little kittens have lost their mittens and they begin to cry..."


Tricks & Treats is a popular up and coming shop that caters to the matrix and magic crowds respectively. Zion, co-owner and talismonger of the shop is looking to provide a special gift to her partner M0rd3K41's birthday. She has come across a litter of very special kittens, and she's willing to pay a group of highly trained professionals to retrieve them for her.

The Meet

The runners are contacted by their various fixers, and told to meet the Johnson at a small cafe in Northern Puyallup. Converging on the "Just Soy" Cafe, the five enter to the sight of the elvish talismonger Zion waving enthusiastically, and her new boyfriend LB sitting at her side, glowering protectively. The initial introductions are made, and snacks provided before Zion goes into her impassioned plea to the runners to work for her. Stating that her partner is coming up on his 45th birthday, she admits that she has just the perfect thing to brighten not only his day, but his remaining days. She shares that her various contacts have clued her in to the existence of a box of matrix capable kittens, namely Bastet's, that are in possession of a Matrix gang called the "Reality Hackers". Believing that no good can come to the kittens in the arms of these criminals, Zion hopes to liberate the kittens, and see that they are placed in good homes. But most importantly, that her surly partner is given his pick of the litter as a birthday present. Offering 10,000 nuyen as a reward for their services, Zion makes her final plea to the runners, under the watchful and protective eye of LB. The runners confer and agree, that the terms are acceptable, and reassure the emotional elf that her hands will soon be full of special little furballs.

The Plan

Everyone loads up into Canter's sportscar except Lambda, whose very presence seems to set everyone on edge. Lambda does a Matrix search to determine the level of activity within the area for the Reality Hackers, and learns that usually there is many more of them available, but that they are currently away on a "special mission", leaving a bare bones crew to protect the valuable kittens.

Driving to the location provided by Zion, Canter checks the area for wireless devices and discovers that the building has it's own host. Sleazing her way in, she encounters a casino-like environment, with several individuals busily gambling their lives away, as patrol IC wanders the room. The IC pays slight attention to Canter, and she eventually manages to slip out of there view and search the host for anything dealing with security. Finding a rusty old filing cabinet filled with files, She quickly disarms the data bomb protecting the security files, pulls them, and then leaves behind a special file courtesy of Lambda, who states that the file will aid the team by redirecting forces within to a site of his choosing. Having everything well in hand Canter drops out of the host to study the files.

Shortly after, six goons come pouring out of the building, leap into a vehicle and tear away, presumably to hunt down Lambda at his fake coordinates. Lambda, and Milliam also head out, presumably to redirect any location attempts by deckers in the matrix, to redirect any further activity.

Mouse enters the Astral, and circles the building checking for guards and such. Finding that the western fire escape is manned by a goon, Mouse tries to enter the building on the third level, only to be rebuffed by an astral barrier. Checking carefully, he learns that the entire third floor is warded against intrusion. He then returns to the car, shares the info, and summons his Spirit of Man, Mr. Gambler, who stands and waits for further instruction.

Milliam manages to leap her way to the roof of an adjacent building, waving merrily to Delphi and Mouse. She and Dumas settle down to provide over watch for the crew while the continue their legwork.

Mouse finally turns to Mr. Gambler, and asks if he would sleaze his way past the barrier and scout out the third floor, to which the Spirit of Man happily agrees. Easily penetrating the barrier, the spirit takes a lap and returns, to report that there are 3 more goons inside, as well as a beast spirit which seems to be concealing something within the southwestern apartment's closet. Armed with this information, the team decides to attempt to sneak their way to the top of the fire escape, quietly deal with any resistance, and collect the kittens.

The Run



10k Nuyen (5 RVP)

-or- 20k in Foci or reagents (5 RVP)

8 Karma (8 RVP)


Optional Contacts:

M0rd3K41 at 2 loyalty (4 RVP)

Zion at 2 loyalty (4 RVP)

LB at 1 loyalty (2 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)