Dr. Gotham

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Dr. Gotham
Street Doc
Contact OwnerThematics Department
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeSwag(Street Doc)
Preferred Payment MethodCash
Personal LifeMarried
FactionStreets of Redmond


A studious human, Dr. Gotham is surprisingly nimble for his advanced age. He's the head doctor of the charitable Clones and Cyber walk-in clinic, which services the SINless's ware for no cost. The funding for the clinic comes from 'Anonymous Donors', who come after hours to get illegal 'ware installed, for a hefty fee.

Bent over with age, Gotham wears the stereotypical while lab coat. His teeth are stained read with constant Betel use, and his detached nature suggests Psyche use

Key Dice Pools

Biotechnology, Cybertechnology, Medicine : 4(Logic) + 5(Ranks) = 9 [6]

First Aid : 4(Logic) + 5(Ranks) + 2 (Imp. Ability) = 11 [6]

Negotiation : 5(Charisma) + 4(Ranks) + 2 (Bargaining) + 2 (Imp. Ability) + 2 Authoritative tone + 1 (Cool Resolve) = 16 [8]

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Edge Magic Essence
2 2 2 2 5 4 4 3 2 3 6.0
Condition Monitor 9+3 (Physical), 10 (Stun)
Limits Physical 3, Mental 6, Social 8
Initiative 7+1D6
Skills Biotech Group: 5, Negotiation: 4 (Bargaining), Etiquette: 1
Knowledge Skills English: N, Shadow Community: 4, Organized Crime: 4, Drugs: 4 (Awakened Drugs), Anatomy: 4, Black Market: 4 (Organ Grinders)
Adept Powers Improved Ability (Negotiation): 2, Improved Ability (First Aid): 2 + 1 (Qi focus), Improved Potential (Social, Mental), Qi Foci: (Cool Resolve 1, Authoritative Tone 2).
Gear Lifestyle (Medium), Workshop, Erika Elite, F4 Qi Focus: Cool Resolve, F4 Qi Focus: Authoritative Tone 2


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Odin Even
Witchblade Even
Sixpence Even

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