Iron Prevails!

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Iron Prevails!
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Elizabeth Babbage
Major Corp
Red Flower
Blake Decker



Former soldier Adam Jacobs has been kidnapped and Elizabeth Babbage wants him back. The kidnappers demand a ransom but Elizabeth decides to hire runners to solve the problem.

The Meet

Everyone eventually makes it to the meeting, in Everett near the ship yard, in their preferred vehicle. Elizabeth Babbage is waiting till all Runners arrive. The runners are supposed to free a former soldier, Adam Jacobs, from the hands of unknown people, but first they have to find him. There are video recordings of the kidnapping. Red Flower negotiates a higher payment.

The Plan

The Runners start their planning at The Daze. Blake takes a closer look at the video footage and can make out a vehicle with typical Runner equipment. He tries to trace the vehicle through the matrix. He succeeds in finding the vehicle after 18 hours. The Bulldog is parked in north Redmond in an E-Zone. The plan is Red and Blake drive up and scout briefly while the assault troops then drive their vehicle into the house - through the closed door - to clean up. Blake is to make sure everyone knows where the hostage is.

The Run

Blake hacks the cameras and gives the information to the team. The Scourge is guarded by a man with a sword. Some ghosts and other scourge takers are present. Red gives an inspirational speech and then the assault team drives the van into the warehouse.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)