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Revision as of 01:08, 4 December 2017

Alice "Pink" Herrington
Info Broker
Contact OwnerYour_Handle
Starting Loyalty4
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen or info
Hobbies/ViceSpreading stories and backseat gaming streamers
Personal LifeSingle, reluctant to leave her house


Bad with people, stumbles over what to say alot of the time, usually secludes herself. Spending most of her time snooping around for information to hoard or sell

Key Dice Pools

Hacking 12 (Vs Devices +2)

Eletronics group & Ewar 11

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Ess Edge
3 3 2 2 2 5 6(7) 5 5.6 4
Condition Monitor 10/11
Limits Physical 3, Mental 8, Social 5
Initiative 7+1d6
Skills Hacking 5 (Vs Devices +2), Eletronics group 4 (Computer, hardware, software), Ewar 4, Etiquette 4
Knowledge Skills English (N). Rumor mill 4, Corp 6 (Ares +2), Game Streamers 4, Military activity 6 (Ucas Marines +2)
Ware Cerebral Booster, Narco
Gear Erika MCD-1 (Program carrier (virtual machine) toolbox, Smoke and mirror, Stealth) Agent R121, 10k for drugs
Weapons None


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Mister_Sarcarian Even (loyalty 6)
Khylen Even
Amur Manchurian Even

NPC who know this contact