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Fugitive Polish Sam
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
CDPExpression error: Missing operand for -.


Grizzled Fighter turned professional soldier


  • Avenge his Brother
  • Continue the Liberation war by attacking the Vory


Stefan Dutko and his twin Ryszard grew up happily in Wroclaw with two loving parents. His father often joked that the two Dutko boys were Poland's future, as Stefan had white fur and his brother red.

Significant Things for Narrative

High Society (Exceptional Att-CHA, Drug tolerant, Record on File:EVO): Saturday is a quick learner and easily picked up the subtle politics both in the workplace and out of it.

Spiral Witness (Mentor Spirit: The Spiral (Seducer), Mentor's Mask, Hedge Witch: Illusion): To see it once is enough. Like to many of its Witnesses, the being in The Spiral granted Saturday odd abilities and the desire to seek it out once more.

A Twisted Mind (PSC Public Broad Aspect: Drawing spirals, Flashbacks 1: White Pickup): Saturday emerged from the hospital a changed woman: drawing spirals everywhere and pacing in a spiral pattern when stressed. Additionally, seeing a white pickup sometimes causes her to be consumed by flashbacks of the accident and her vision after.

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.




|- style="vertical-align:middle;" |Radius |3 | 3 |Legwork |University Professor |Occultist, Academic contacts, Magical prodigy, Watchers Everywhere | Even |-


|- style="vertical-align:middle;" |Squeals McPhillips |4 | 1 |Service |Taxi Union President |Burn rubber, Greasy clientele, Rainbow Night Sky Highway, THE FUZZ! | Even |-


|- style="vertical-align:middle;" |Lacy, the Worst Employee Ever |1 | 4 |Gear |Stop Quick Cashier |I'm on my break, Doesn't Check IDs, That's not mine!, Not like--TOO ambitious | Even |-


|- style="vertical-align:middle;" |Ether |5 | 1 |Fixer |Fixer |Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld | Even |-


|- style="vertical-align:middle;" |Juliette Burns |4 | 1 |Generalist |Socialite Black Magician |Black Magic Theory, High Society, Manipulation Magic, Sorcery Foci, Blackmail | Even |-



Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 An obsolete term for a genus of marine sponges
3 A news broadcast about a restaurant, at 34:12, an offscreen man calls "Spiretta" and a brunette facing away from the camera looks up.
6 A user by this name is frequently on metaplanar discussion boards, speaking about a plane called Torment, and spirals that she sees in visions.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 "Never heard of someone like that, chummer. Sounds like a video game character."
3 "Went on a run with that lady once. She drew a bunch of spirals everywhere and made an Opfor pass out. Probably a mage"
5 "Illusionist and Dark Mage. Worked for EVO awhile back as a negotiator. She scares me."


Assensing Table

Threshold Description
1 Awakened, confident, and curious.
2 MysAd, Spiral-shaped, disturbing aura.
3 Healthy. Essence and Magic 6. A mask in her bag has an astral signature, as do her spiral earrings.
4 Mask is a spellcasting focus, earrings are qi
5 No ware of any type, grade or category. She's also not a technomancer.


  • Elizabeth Mac Morain - Fake, Rating 4, Ares, Mage
  • Saturday Tao - UCAS, real

Media Mentions