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> "In combat it says I can only make one attack action. What exactly does this mean? It means don’t get cute and try to play word games. Barring using the Multiple Attacks Free Action (in which you split your dice pool to attack multiple targets), you cannot take a second offensive action towards another character during your pass. This means throwing grenades, shooting guns, casting spells (recklessly or otherwise), spitting in their cheerios, spiking their tea with arsenic, or anything else that could be construed as a physical or mental attack in any way, shape or form. However, you may take a Free Action to cast disparaging remarks at their mothers if you so choose. If you’re not certain if an action would be an attack, well, it probably is. But ask yourself if they used it against you would it be an attack? And if you’re still not certain, ask your Gamemaster. However, be warned, if you try and argue with him he is authorized to smack you upside the head with the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition book." This rule is in effect on ShadowHaven.  +
Made Man and Black Market Pipeline will not stack with each other, however, both will stack individually with Dealer Connection. The stacking is calculated Additively - thus, when both apply, you recieve a 20% discount.  +
The first portion of your post is under consideration by Council. Please hold. The second portion of your post is not a question, however, I am forced to agree with you. It would be odd to find a man covered in whipped cream in a public place. It is almost exactly the sort of thing one would find odd.  +
Nonmechanical impact of drugs such as anti-depressants and etc. do not need to be represented on the sheet. You can assume that they are a part of your lifestyle, though that might be a little tricky if you're a squatter. The real pro tip is don't be a squatter.  +
Prehensile Tails work off of your unaugmented strength. This means any increase to your strength does not affect it. If you have spent karma to raise your strength to 6, then your tail is at strength 3. This is true regardless of what other things affect your current strength score positively.  +
You cannot utilize Called Shot (Entanglement) with a monofilament whip. Therefore, your situation is not handled at all. Entanglement calls out a specific list of weapons, which a monofilament whip is not a part of.  +
Assensing + Intuition [Astral] against Sneaking + Agility [Physical] (if the sneaker is dual-natured or only on the meat) or Sneaking + Logic [Astral] (if the sneaker is wholly astral) is the test for stealth on the astral.  +
Emerged contacts do not have a reduction in their nuyen available.  +
Assume "significant extra weight" for the purposes of Skimmers (CF 88) to mean anything more than roughly 2kg/point of body above and beyond FBA+reasonable weaponry. You can still have your combat axe or sniper rifle and FBA, but if you try carrying a ballistic shield things might get a bit hairy. Anything that needs a lift and carry test is, of course, right out.  +
Making a perception test does not use the Control Device matrix action.  +
While Direct spells ignore armor for the purposes of how they deal damage, the elemental effects still suffer the full resistance of armor.  +
Unanswered  +
While I am happy to answer specific questions, I am not going to rule broadly. While Resonance Veil is very open ended and this can be a point in it's favor, it also makes it basically impossible to rule on properly. For now it remains in GM fiat.  +
Only basic wards may be permanent. None of the GM-Permission required wards may be combined in any combination with each other or other wards.  +
Spirits utilizing the Possession power may only move in the ways that their host entity could ordinarily move. While this is only explicitly stated under Dead/Inanimate Vessels, we will extrapolate this to apply to living ones as well.  +
Unanswered  +
Unanswered  +
You cannot shoot the same person with two different guns on the same pass, even if you split your dice pools.  +
A rating 6 medkit can be added to armor, though it can safely be assumed to only function for the wearer. It's obviousness is up to the GM. It is likely neither super blatant nor super stealth. Savvy individuals are likely to be able to notice it.  +
Unanswered  +
The Islamic Alchemist, when required to take Quickening, instead gains no metamagic for that initiation. When required to take Anchoring, they instead gain no metamagic for that initiation. This sounds awful, but is de facto RAW, since they, as you say, cannot use Spellcasting or Ritual Spellcasting.  +
Modular connectors between flesh and limb work in one of two ways - either you purchase a connector and place it in your flesh, allowing you to change out any appropriately-sized limb, or you purchase a modular limb and can swap it out without the use of a connector, but only with other modular limbs. Essentially, you pay in capacity, or you pay in essence. In either case, your essence will adjust, leaving essence holes as appropriate, to any changes in your limbs. A connector does not place a limb into its capacity, so it still costs essence to have an arm attached to a connector.  +
Invited marks do not travel up the stream at this time. This may be changed later.  +
For sanity's sake, assume that the free action in conjunction with the attack action for a Called Shot does not reset the Take Aim bonuses. It happens simultaneously, not prior to. So Take Aim and Called Shots can work together.  +
Stick n Shock Flechette can only be loaded into shotguns per RAW. Weapons with Flechette as part of their damage code default can *only* fire flechette rounds. This does not include Stick n Shock Flechette. Parashield Dart Pistols will be treated as Heavy Pistols for the purposes of mounting them on drones and vehicles. Parashield Dart Rifles will be treated as Sniper Rifles for the purposes of mounting them on drones and vehicles.  +
YNT Softweave may only be added to base armor pieces. It may not be added to armor accessories.  +
Chummer is not a rules source.  +
Pouncing Dragon is it's own special Complex Action. Utilizing it as part of a subdual action is not possible as a result.  +
It is **not** possible to substitute as stated in your original, unedited question.  +
You cannot buy hits to handload your own ammunition. However, remember that you can buy it. Further downtime rules are forthcoming. --- You are not a wall. You cannot carry around a *wall mounted* sensor housing. It must be mounted on a wall, with power hookups and a wall.  +
Concealability from multiple pieces of armor does not stack with other pieces of armor. It will however stack with a concealed pocket or a concealed holster. Note the singular articles there.  +
The quality "Hawk Eye" does not stack with electronic enhancements, cyberware, or bioware. The Adept Power "Improved Sense" mimics certain of the prior, and thus does not stack with the Hawk Eye quality. In short, you can't get double vision magnification. Sorry.  +
Narco will not affect situational or specific bonuses to attributes, such as bonuses to logic-linked skills, or bonuses to strength for lift and carry or grappling damage.  +
When casting a ritual, including the ritual for an Ally Spirits, one uses Ritual Spellcasting.  +
Implants of any kind cannot be both implanted in a living body and be a focus. Per SG, the conflicting auras do not permit it. EDIT: Qi foci may explicitly be tattooed. As a result, one may have a cyberimplant that is also a Qi Focus. Other foci remain invalid targets.  +
The automatic hits from Hardened Armor are extra, and thus do not detract from the dice pool of the subsequent damage resistance test. Unfortunately.  +
A nartaki, or anyone else with Shiva Arms, requires an instance of Ambidextrous for each additional arm in order to avoid penalties with said arm. The Bilateral Coordination Coprocessor will reduce penalties by 2 for any given action. If you are only using one non-primary hand, this will typically be sufficient. However, if you are using multiple, the GM may apply the penalty multiple times, at their discretion. I suggest they only do this in cases where multiple limbs are required to coordinate to a higher degree than firing a weapon - for example performing brain surgery.  +
The noise generated by Smoke and Mirrors can be cancelled out by Noise Reduction. I think that's what noise reduction is for. The noise generated by Smoke and Mirrors explicitly per RAW does not apply to any actions taken against you, except for the Trace Icon action. At no point does Noise Reduction or Smoke and Mirrors indicate that noise reduction also reduces Sleaze rating.  +
There are no plans at this time to alter the availability code of Voidblack.  +
Confirming that called shots with spells are not possible.  +
When one is in VR, one may utilize any of their choice of Intuition or Reaction for tests relating to vehicles and drones that call for either, and their choice of Logic or Agility for tests relating to vehicles and drones that call for either.  +
I am unsure what you mean by "active or passive." Damage resistance tests are not penalized by background counts, regardless of the scenario, so the Mystic Armor adept power is functionally not affected by background counts.  +
A rigger making melee attacks while jumped into a drone uses the relevant melee skill.  +
When fencing gear, players are encouraged to utilize the rules basing the return on a contact's loyalty. However, if the choose to utilize the method that involves finding a buyer, it must be rolled out, at a table, with a GM. Needless to say, if a GM is found to be playing it fast and loose with this, the Thematics Department will probably be very grumpy with them.  +
Flamethrowers will fit on a "Heavy" weapon mount for drones.  +
The cost of customizing the attributes of a cyberlimb is part of the cost of the cyberlimb itself, and is accordingly affected by the grade of the cyberlimb.  +
At this time Mechanics Division is not going to make any sweeping rulings related to drone size and cyberware compartments. However, the Lockheed Optic-X2, when folded up, will fit into a Large Smuggling Compartment cyberware unit. The internal router cyberware may be used on devices held inside cyberware smuggling compartments.  +
Unanswered  +
For the purposes of drone mounts, Hunting Rifles will include all Sporting rifles. Sporting rifles will include all such weapons listed explicitly in crunch as a sporting rifle or using the sporting rifle specialization, as well as the Ruger 950. Sniper Rifles will include all other non-shotguns utilizing the longarms skills.  +
BTLs do not stack with drugs, cause drug interactions like drugs, and overdose like drugs. Incidentally, drugs do not stack, they overlap - you cannot, for example, take Kamikaze twice and gain +4 strength.  +