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Face & Summoner
``Everyone’s favorite beautiful idiot``
MetatypeDryad (Elf)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.September 22nd, 2063
Folder[Link tbd]
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - E

Character Information


Pycnidium, or just 'Pyck', is a product of poverty and corporate exploitation. She is a Dryad Mystic Adept, one in a million, born to a poor human family. Her great cosmic fortune has only served to damn her. Pyck was largely outcast in her early years, and was picked up by Horizon in High School. She was held prisoner as a tool of corporate influence, and only found freedom through self taught magics, fueled by some long forged dissatisfaction.





Narratively Significant Qualities


  • “Staggering Beauty, Venomous Conceit” (Good Looking and Knows It, Glamour, Too Pretty to Hit): Natural beauty and a number of years of conscious presentation. Body language, eye contact and the proper smile are weapons meant to disarm and distract.
  • Mentor Spirit (Raven): A sly voice weaving manipulative and capricious notions into Pyck's subconscious. Dangerous if not kept under control.
  • Common Sense: A reliable set of instincts, maybe the only thing really keeping her alive.

Other qualities: Focused Concentration 1


  • “A Face to Haunt You” (Distinctive Style, GL&KI Downside): Horribly striking, Pyck has the look and demeanor of someone that you can’t help but think about. This is not necessarily romantic, some faces just burn themselves into our brains with their presence.
  • Symbiosis: Natural Dryadic quality, requires her to find an area of nature to meaningfully inhabit. The severe health repercussions of a lifetime of ignoring this (& living in terrible pollution) are largely responsible for her sickliness (1 body).
  • Addictions (Kamikaze / Mild, Psyche / Mild): Psyche as a crutch to easier study self taught magicks. Kamikaze as a way to mask her abject lack of experience in a fight.
  • Corporate Pariah II (Horizon): Previously a dime-a-dozen idealized teen influencer with a bevy of forgettable appearances in Horizon advertising and media. Former handler was a manipulative man named Richard Tremen. Pyck has ill-conceived notions of a triumphant return to her corporate masters that would somehow not impede her freedoms.
  • Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker):

Other qualities:

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Outlet Outrage!TidanShock4 December 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A small number of petty thefts and low level scams can be found on public records which match the runner's description. She is, after all, hard to forget.
3 There is good information available which links the runner with one Richard Tremen, a Horizon talent agent. Though it seems, as of now, their ties are minimal or non-existent.
6 It is likely that the runner is actually a local Seattle highschool dropout, one Izabelle Fischer. Fischer was the middle child of a poor family of wage slaves, it is unclear whether this name is a well kept fake SIN, or her real name. Further investigation required. Fischer was flagged as awakened and processed into Horizons "Teen Dreem" marketing operation, and worked for the corporation for the last 4.5 years. The rest of the Fischer family was not employed alongside Izabelle.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments