Dr Kate Kemp

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Dr Kate Kemp
Street Doc
Contact OwnerUser:Tekomandor
Public Contact?No
LocationDowntown, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceGetting ahead of her coworkers
Personal LifeSingle, more affairs than most
AspectsCatty Corporate Socialite
Deltaware Clinic Doctor
Forcibly SpinRadical
Prescriptions for Sale
Bioware Implantation Specialist
Ultra Platinum Customers Only
Ki Doctor


Dr Kate Kemp is a highly placed worker at a Spinrad deltaware clinic, and whilst her skills as a bioware surgeon are strong her real talents lie in office politics. She's not afraid to use runners to get ahead in the ruthless corporate game, and her position makes her uniquely suited to avail herself of their services - as many competitors, both internal and external - have found out.

For the right price, or the right run, she's a conduit of deltaware to the shadows - to the approval of her immediate superior.


Aspect Description
Catty Corporate Socialite Dr. Kemp is a vicious mastermind when it comes to corporate politics. +2 to Knowledge tests when it comes to Corp politics
Deltaware Clinic Doctor Dr. Kemp is employed in the Ultra Platinum Clients division of Spinrad's augmentation business - otherwise known as their deltaware clinic. +2 to Gear Acquisition rolls to purchase deltaware.
Forcibly SpinRadical Dr. Kemp has adapted to Spinrad's new image with aplomb. +2 to knowledge rolls involving Spinrad.
Prescriptions for Sale Dr. Kemp is no stranger to selling access to medicinal drugs. +2 to gear rolls to buy drugs or medical gear.
Bioware Implantation Specialist Dr. Kemp's day job is as a bioware implantation specialist for Spinrad's Ultra Platinum customers. +2 to gear rolls to buy bioware.
Ultra Platinum Customers Only Dr. Kemp deals in drugs, bioware, and gossip for the rich and famous. Occasionally, she deals in them for Shadowrunners too. +2 to gear rolls for availability 14 and above gear.
Ki Doctor Dr. Kemp, whatever her faults might be, is a competent Doctor made brilliant by her physical magic. +2 to active checks with the biotech skill group.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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