Elizabeth Kim

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Elizabeth Kim
462578537 2798151073679792 4147721802330572925 n.jpg
Horizon Middle Manager
"You can tell a LOT about a person by their matrix history and you, my dear boy, need help"
Contact Ownerterzho
Owner's Discord Nameterzho
Owner's Wiki NameTerzho
Public Contact?Yes
LocationDowntown - Horizon Corporate Offices
AgeMiddle Aged
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceElven WInes
Personal LifeNone of your Damn Business
AspectsHorizon User Data
Horizon Corporate Affairs
Horizon Matrix Security


As head of the customer insights department in Horizon's Seattle office, Elizabeth Kim controls access to a treasure trove of personal data contained within the company's data vaults. Having found herself stuck in the middle-management trap years ago, Elizabeth is disillusioned with the megacorporate rat race and is amenable to selling any data she has access to.

Relationship with Yang: Yang frequently used her services to research his marks whenever he had an op in Seattle and she continues to be an important contact for him.

GM Notes

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Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Horizon User Data Elizabeth Kim has access to Horizon's user profiles and is willing to share them for a price.
Horizon Corporate Affairs As a middle-manager, she has awareness of the internal affairs of the megacorp.
Horizon Matrix Security ELizabeth is familiar with Horizon's Matrix security protocols and how to get around them.
Infobroker Elizabeth is able to run advanced algorithms to procure Matrix information.


Knowledge Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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