Having a Blast

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Having a Blast
LocationSeattle, Outrimer Islands
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Omega Dawn
Fransisco Logan
Parashield Beast Spirit
His Dog
Casualties and losses
Tsarina has a massive scar now, but no one's dead at least Logan dead, Spirit left, Dog yoinked


Settling a decades old grudge for a former runner might have some greater consequences down the line


Mr. J was a runner a long time ago. Fransisco Logan is someone from that past of his, and not exactly a happy part of it. He was a part of Omega Dawn, working from within Aztechnology and keeping the peace. This J wanted him dead to avenge his old team. The man was retired now, living off in an island, trying to live his life. He was older, weaker. The J could get a basic runner team to handle him. Kill him in his home. Send a message. Get him back. But he didn't know who he was actually fucking with. So we'll see where this whole debacle leads him

The Meet

our Johnson hired 4 runners to handle this little op. He wanted it flashy, messy. He got some runners known for their brutality, others for their infil and general combat strength, and went to town. 8pm on a Saturday at Penumbra, Downtown. That was where they would meet.

Ganesh, Raj, Spitfire, and Tsarina made their way after their fixers gave them the deets. Some didn't give all of them - security risks and all - but most were willing to do some wetwork at the very least, and the others just needed some convincing. The job was simple enough - 10k for the kill, 12k for making a damn show out of it, which a good chunk of the team was more than happy with. Tsarina, being a lil minx, did some extra haggling for some other amenities, and he obliged to let them use some boltholes to keep a downlow and get them connected to other spots should they want it. With that, the plan was set. After some background checks by Ganesh to ensure that this Logan fella was deserving of death.

The Plan

After some scouting to try and test the defenses of this man's home, Raj would infiltrate to give the rest of the team an in. From there, 4 against 1 was a very heavily skewed fight in their favor, and he didn't really have bodyguards or anything these days. Then the escape - they had multiple avenues. Stash a boat nearby that Raj could pilot away, use Spitfire's incredible driving for a land escape across the bridge once the heat died, sneak through crowds and integrate so that they can slip through public transit. Not a complex one, but a tricky one nonetheless.

The Run

Legwork and sneaking around went well enough - Tsarina's drone proved helpful in early scoping and Raj had success in hiding the boat for later. Spitfire had to rent it using her sister's SIN, so hopefully that isn't an issue. Not our concern right now. The actual infil went alright, until the rest of the team tried to get in as well. And unfortunately, they didn't have the kind of luck they really needed to get through, as the dog started barking. Alerted, Logan started firing. It was a much harder fight than anticipated - and that's with Spitfire ramming her damn car into the house and into him. He almost killed Tsarina, and the spirit he had along with him as security was gone fast. Out of pity or morality the team spared the dog, with Ganesh even taking it home later for other infiltrations. But that's not important right now. What's important is that the escape was also pretty messy.

First, the car. Ganesh joined Spitfire in her tricked out vehicle, and with her driving skills she managed to be incredibly hard to catch for KE. Not even their drone could attach itself to them. Tsarina and Raj had a bit more trouble, heading to the boat. Tsarina was still half dead, and wasn't really one for physical infiltration like this, so a drone caught wind of them as they tried to leave. Tsarina missed her lightning bolt on it, but Raj thankfully had stick and shock loaded and blasted the thing apart cleanly. Messy, but the two teams got out fine enough.


Logan was dead. His dog snatched after being paralyzed. And the escape was...messy. Ganesh, thinking fast, arranged to use those boltholes by calling the johnson to cash it in, and he was more than pleased for it. Logan's death was long in the making. But...they were flashy, as the J had wanted. And Omega Dawn was watching. And they might not be too keen on runners coming after their own.


12,000 nuyen

3 karma


-10 Omega Dawn reputation (don't worry about it)

Optional Lifestyle Reward: Bolt Holes @ 2:1 cost

Narrative Consequences:

-Francisco Logan, formerly of Aztechnology security forces, is killed in his own home in a spectacular and dramatic fashion via car crash, ice claw, state of purity kick and mono-chainsaw; his dog is adopted by Ganesh.

-Mr. Johnson vanishes off the grid and is never seen in the Seattle shadows again. This is probably fine.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


"...irritating. Irritating. So, so irritating. I didn't even get a good chance to maul him properly. Dammit. Dammit all. I hope Kruger is fucking happy about this."

Baji:Sloppy work on my part, I'm glad my team mates picked up the slack. An extra day of surveillance would've helped a lot. I should've led off with an apds handload through the brain pan, there was tree cover right up to the edge of the house and windows galore. I'll be hearing drek about this job from Ares, he won't be happy. He'll love the bit about the chainsaw though...


"Luckier than I expected. We made it out successfully after going in loud, and this individual was more connected to my own concerns than I expected. Still have his commlink and his dog too..."