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Cornlaws Ganesh.jpg
Pure Adept
Wiki UserCornlaws
MetatypeTroll (N/A)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.2056-01-30 <
PriorityMetatype - A
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - E
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension2
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


Professional, infiltration-capable Troll Physical Adept of the Hinduism tradition looking to better understand what happened to his Ashram


Uncover information relating to the involvement of megacorps in blood magic and the spread of HMMVV. Build connections with infiltrators through shadowrunning to both learn the necessary skills and gain the allies to do this effectively.

Connect to like-minded individuals in Seattle, particularly Awakened with similar values about using magic for the benefit of living things.

Punch evil spirits and other wicked beings of a magical nature very, very hard. General wickedness is okay too.

Find a master of the Hinduism tradition and a mentor spirit who can help him initiate further into understanding himself and the magical world while remaining true to his principles.


Abandoned by his parents in Chandigarh due to his birth as a troll, "Ganesh" was adopted by and raised in a Shaivite Hindu Ashram hidden in the Hindu Kush mountains, just past the nuclear wastedland created by the 2030 Indo-Pak war. He was treated well there and received access to a reasonable education, though with perhaps less integration into the Matrix and modern conveniences than most have experienced in the current era. While there, he trained in both traditional combat skills and meditation and enjoyed comradery with the brothers.

As he grew older and the Ashram started to draw attention from larger powers, Ganesh started taking on jobs in the shadows of Delhi, Chandigarh and Lahore to gather the right favors to help it maintain its independence. However, things shifted dramatically for the worse when virtually the entire Ashram save himself were infected with HMMVV - when this was exposed to the public, the Indian Republic granted the ashram and its surrounding area to Aztechnology's extraterritorial jurisdiction to clean out the Infected and terraform away the lingering remnants of nuclear radiation. While he was allowed to leave during that purge as an uninfected of no great notability, Aztechnology took down his information, and he suspected more elaborate foul play involved - perhaps this was a scheme to seize the ancient idol within the inner sanctum, or perhaps those infected members of the Ashram who were "cleaned" are in fact working for Aztechnology today.

Without significant remaining ties in the Indian Republic - after all, his father had declined to ever register his birth due to the stigma of having a Troll son - his intuition was to go to a large community of foreign runners, put some distance between himself and what occurred, and begin to lay the groundwork for looking into what happened while remaining devout to the Ashram's principles, as possibly the last surviving member maintaing their original purity.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Latent Dracomorphosis: Ganesh likely wasn't infected with HMMVV when the rest of his ashram was due to possessing dracomorph enzymes, but he isn't yet aware of this. It is possible that some members of his ashram, or perhaps even someone at Aztechnology, is aware he is a latent dracomorph.


Distinctive Style: Ganesh's devotion, and frequent use of Vedic iconography and terminology, combined with him being unusually well-dressed and professional for a troll (at least compared to expectations) makes him very memorable. Some of his gear, depicted below, is intentionally modified to reflect his spiritual self-expression.

Spirit Bane (Blood Spirit): Ganesh's worshipped deity is traditionally depicted stamping on the head of demons, and he's not vulnerable to an infection that causes behavior resembling Blood Spirits. For one reason or another, he registers as anathema to them.

Creature of Comfort (Middle): Between particular dietary requirements, aesthetic preferences related to his spirituality, his massive size, and perhaps some trauma from previously experiencing deprivation after the ashram was destroyed, Ganesh is a bit of a paradox - while dedicated to self-denial, he would be very uncomfortable if forced to compromise on his lifestyle.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Stairwell to HeavenVilliersMedium22 February 2086
Having a BlastSarcarianMedium15 February 2086



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Anna Van Der Pelt 6 2 Fixer Talismonger Awakened Fixer, Awakened Philanthropist, Big Stick Diplomancy, Drake Sympathizer, Hocus Focus, Talismonger Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Custom ballistic mask displays Hindu religious affiliation and iconography of the original Ganesha, including voice masking to sound otherworldly. When not in use, without close examination, could be mistaken for a religious object. Image= Ganesh Mask.jpg

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy, adult Awakened Troll, calm and placid aura, flows like water.
2 No cyberware of any kind, the aura is clear.
3 A pure adept with no essence loss. Magic 6, Ess. 6.0.
4 Slight turmoil underneath the placid aura. No bioware. A potential mentor spirit with emotions of both Joy and Anger lies within the aura.
5 Is a latent dracomorph, but likely isn't aware of it. Is not a technomancer.


R4 Vijay Ganapati, Professional Bodyguard (Adept License, Controlled Substance License, Bodyguard License for items like restraints and flashbangs)


See Image


Ganesh has a troll-sized Moritmer of London suit and greatcoat combo, blue on blue with red accents. He typically dresses formally using some form of head covering to conceal his horns - this isn't a Hindu religious requirement, but a personal preference to not public display his horns.

Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments