John Manuelito

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John Manuelito
John manuelito.jpg
Drug pusher {Swag}
First Nations street thug
Contact Ownerreyjinn
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle (SSC), Council Island/Seattle, Everett
Preferred Payment MethodCash
Hobbies/ViceBliss, WWE Wrestling
Personal LifeSingle
FactionFirst Nations
AspectsDrug Pusher
Know thy self
Know thy enemies
Know thy product


John is your typical First Nations street thug, brash and quite full of himself. He slings drugs for the gang around the Everett docks and like most members of the First Nations he is a capable fighter.

Like many members of the First Nations, John is prone to believing in the supremacy of the Native American Nations and thinks it will only be a matter of time before the First Nations achieve the same status as the truly top tier gangs such as the Ancients. As long as the bloody Koshari get their heads on straight and get their asses in line.


Proud, Arrogant, Susceptible to flattery.


Aspect Description
Drug Pusher +2 to drug related checks.
Know thy self +2 to knowledge checks about Native American Politics, the Native American Nations and their customs.
Know thy enemies +2 to knowledge checks about Street Gangs and Syndicates.
Know thy product +2 to gear acquisition checks for Drugs.


Knowledge Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Faction Allies

  • Komun'go Seoulpa Ring
  • Dogmen

Faction Enemies

  • Koshari
  • Lakota Mafia

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