Sholeetsa Two Birds

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Sholeetsa Two Birds
Sholeetsa Two Birds.jpg
NABS-SSC Reporter
Sholeetsa is a hard driving investigative journalist.
She has ties to the Blazing Swords group.
Sholeetsa has a personal grudge against the Dogmen gang.
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationNABS-SSC Regional HQ in Bellingham SSC.
Preferred Payment MethodPay Data
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsAin't No News Like Local News
I Never Reveal My Sources
Dogged Investigator
Politics - The mother's milk of journalism.
Follow the Money


Sholeetsa Two Birds is a persistent and thorough investigative reporter. Most of the content of NABS is boring, with public-access drek like weather reports, agricultural reports, nature programs, and so on, but things spice up on the weekend, when the entertainment side takes over.

The most notable aspect of NABS, however, is the journalistic integrity. NABS is never first to break a story but, when they get there, it’s with evidence, documentation, and crystal-clear honesty laid out for the viewer to digest, rather than feeding into a narrative. Needless to say, every politician winces when a NABS reporter gets called on to ask a question. They’re doggedly determined and better than many at getting to the truth. Sholeetsa is the embodiment of the NABS approach to news.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Ain't No News Like Local News Sholeetsa believes that, like politics, all news is local. Regardless of the story Sholeetsa always includes a 'human interest' component relevant for the SSC and the NAN. +2 to knowledge tests about the SSC and NAN.
I Never Reveal My Sources How did I get this information you ask? To protect my informants, I never reveal my sources. People have to know they can trust me to protect them from retaliation when they give me their scoop. +2 to tests concerning 'insider information' (GM fiat).
Dogged Investigator I can get to the bottom of anything once I put my mind to it. Don't worry about pesky things like "trespassing laws", it's not illegal if they can't catch me. And when they demand to know how I found out, well, I don't have to tell them, do I?. +2 to tests concerning 'hidden or protected' information (GM fiat).
Politics - The mother's milk of journalism. Sholeetsa follows politics at all levels - municipal, tribal, and council. +2 to knowledge tests about political figures and political issues in the SSC.
Follow the Money Watching politicians and bureaucrats tells you where the corruption is happening. Following the money tells you who is responsible. +2 to knowledge tests regarding corruption in the SSC.


Knowledge Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Repairing the Supply ChainVilliers10 August 2085