Small Fish, Big Shadows
Small Fish, Big Shadows | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | NeuroTech Solutions | ||||||||
Sibyl Fading of the Dawn Z Runner4 |
Character1 Character2 |
Small time corporate espionage action in Renton. A combination of matrix shenanigans and a physical infiltration.
"NeuroTech Solutions has been making a name for themselves on the market for their cutting edge VI algorithm technology. It's time to even the playing field through less than legal means. That's why I'm coming to you folks at Shadowhaven. Let's make a deal, shall we?"
The Meet
Mr. Johnson: "Your objective is twofold. First, you’ll plant some data—a little package we’ve prepared—on their main host. This data will paint them as thieves, liars, and, most importantly, reckless violators of corporate ethics. It’s all set to go, perfectly formatted to look authentic. The second part of your task involves their CEO, Liana Kaas. We want her implicated directly. You’ll need to plant the same incriminating material on her personal workstation. There very much is a clock running. You have forty-eight hours before my employer holds a press conference outing NeuroTech. The evidence needs to be planted before then. If you're caught on camera or cause a scene, we will deny you your payment. Are we clear?"
The Plan
Phase one - legwork, both matrix and magical. Phase two - Z hacked the commlink of a Neurotech employee in a bar which allowed for easier host access.
The Run
With some effort (data bomb and encryption) the file is planted in the host. Social infiltration with matrix and astral overwatch allowed the chip to be planted in the workstation.
The employer was happy and the team was paid.
30,000 nuyen or 60,000 nuyen in cyberware, bioware, and electronics gear [Avail 16] (15 RVP) 3 Karma 2 CDP
Game Quotes
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
Sibyl: A very satisfying run. A solid divination at the right time paid off.