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A list of all pages that have property "Question" with value "Can commlinks receive Program Carriers and other cyberdeck modules?". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can i pay someone to upgrade a medkit like on page 18 of bullets and bandages (only lists the player doing it for them self))
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can someone with Reduced Sense (Blind) see a spirit or mage who is Manifesting? Assuming the blind one isn't astrally perceiving. What about someone with cyber eyes?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can the Free Action 'Call A Shot' be combiCan the Free Action 'Call A Shot' be combined with the Simple Action 'Take Aim'?</br></br>Consider the following:</br></br> </br></br>---</br></br> </br></br>###Take Aim</br>A character may take aim with a ready firearm, bow, or throwing weapon as a Simple Action. Take Aim actions are cumulative, but **the benefits are lost if the character takes any other kind of action—including a Free Action—at any time before attacking.** Take Aim actions may be extended over multiple Action Phases and Combat Turns. The maximum bonus a character may gain from sequential Take Aim actions, either to her limit or her dice pool, is equal to one-half the character’s Willpower, rounded up. Each Take Aim action applies a +1 dice pool modifier or +1 Accuracy increase to the Attack Test. If the character is using image magnification or a targeting scope, Take Aim must be used to line up the shot in order to receive the bonus from the item. In this case the first action of Take Aim does not provide any additional bonus beyond enabling the function of the modification.</br></br> </br></br>###Call a Shot</br>A character may call a shot (aim for a vulnerable portion of a target) with this Free Action; see Called Shots, p. 178. **This action must be combined with** a Fire Weapon, Throw Weapon, or Melee Attack Action.</br></br> </br></br>---</br></br> </br></br>Emphasis is mine.</br></br>The wording of those two abilities would imply they cannot be used together. If you Take Aim before you Call A Shot, then you lose the benefits of Take Aim when you use the Free Action Call A Shot. Similarly, you cannot Call A Shot before you Take Aim, as Call A Shot must be combined with an attack action.ot must be combined with an attack action.)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can the noise generated by Smoke and Mirrors be cancelled out by noise reduction? Does it impact actions performed _on_ you by others? If the noise can be reduced by noise reduction, does that reduce sleaze rating?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can we buy animals with the domesticated quality, or other attributes that help with training them like "being treated well by metahumans.")
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can we get a trainer for training Skill specializations and martial arts (well one with a faster training time for martial arts then the Raw rules) ? A month can be a long time in the real world.)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can we get speeds for the drugs in Bullets & Bandages?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can you call-shot with spells?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can you take biocompat at gen only? ((sad sent me here)))
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can you turn a vehicle (or at least a ram Can you turn a vehicle (or at least a ram plate) into a weapon focus? Assuming it only adds dice to ramming tests. By extension, what about adept powers that need a weapon focus, like Elemental Weapon?</br></br>Followup: can you take the adept power Critical Strike for ramming?e adept power Critical Strike for ramming?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can you turn cyberweapons like Hand blades and spurs into weapon foci?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Can you use bound spirits to do channeling? Do you use the spirit own metal attributes in place of your own when channeling?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Concealability mods from clothes: Do they stack, eg mortimer stuff or cloak?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Copy/Paste as requested form the TfD threaCopy/Paste as requested form the TfD thread.</br></br>The Sensei quality, contact rules and training times tables.</br></br>How do?</br></br>I seem to recall that this had been brought up earlier but I wasn't entirely sure and couldn't find any documentation about it so I decided to do it here since this seems to be something that needs to be addressed across several divisions.</br></br>Paying a trainer to help you learn a skill roughly halves the time it takes, would the same apply to a Sensei contact?</br>Sensei (which requires at least connection 3) either has a single skill at a rating of 13, instruction dicepool at 10 and a limit of 7 or a skill group at a rating of 12, instruction dicepool at 12 and a limit of 8. How does this interact with our contact creation rules?</br>Furthermore, this...</br></br>The teacher can only teach up to their own Instruction Rating.</br></br>is from pg 141 in core. Far as I can tell this hasn't been errata'd at all? So a sensei contact could only give instruction up to some mysterious limit that we don't really get to know but could be from 11 to 1 or so depending on how much charisma they have?</br></br>I'm feeling kinda bad for bringing this up now, didn't realize just how borked this whole thing was.lize just how borked this whole thing was.)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Could it be posible to substitute the final part of getting an ally spirit (conjuring and binding the ally spirit. PG 201 SG) to instead undertake a metaplaner quest (initiation run))
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Delivery times on upgraded items: Is it baDelivery times on upgraded items: Is it based on the price difference or the total price of the final item?</br></br>Also: usability of the item while waiting for that delivery: Guessing foci are a no, due to having to sit in a talismonger's lodge for the duration, but ware and other things not as location-sensitive during construction?as location-sensitive during construction?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Direct elemental spells like Flame Burst: Direct means it ignores armour. How does this affect the Armour test to avoid catching fire?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Do the auto-hits on Hardened Armor count aDo the auto-hits on Hardened Armor count as "successes" to the soak test, and thus are lost from the subsequent roll, or can they still be rolled during the soak test?</br></br>In other words F6 Fire Spirit gets shot by Ak-97 for 2 net hits for a total of 12P AP-2</br>Does it roll for soak:</br>7BOD+5Armour+5auto-hits</br>OR</br>7BOD+10Armour+5Auto-hitsour+5auto-hits OR 7BOD+10Armour+5Auto-hits)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Do we use this missions rule? "In combat Do we use this missions rule?</br></br>"In combat it says I can only make one attack action. What exactly does this mean?</br>It means don’t get cute and try to play word games. Barring using the Multiple Attacks Free</br>Action (in which you split your dice pool to attack multiple targets), you cannot take a second offensive</br>action towards another character during your pass. This means throwing grenades, shooting guns, casting</br>spells (recklessly or otherwise), spitting in their cheerios, spiking their tea with arsenic, or anything else</br>that could be construed as a physical or mental attack in any way, shape or form. However, you may take</br>a Free Action to cast disparaging remarks at their mothers if you so choose.</br>If you’re not certain if an action would be an attack, well, it probably is. But ask yourself if they</br>used it against you would it be an attack? And if you’re still not certain, ask your Gamemaster. However,</br>be warned, if you try and argue with him he is authorized to smack you upside the head with the</br>Shadowrun, Fifth Edition book."</br></br>On that which missions rules besides this if any do we use?sions rules besides this if any do we use?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Does a Nartaki require three instances of Does a Nartaki require three instances of Ambidexterity to eliminate their penalties? Note, penalties, not pool splitting.</br></br>AMBIDEXTROUS </br>COST: 4 KARMA</br>The Ambidextrous character can handle objects equally </br>well with either hand. Without this quality, any action per-</br>formed solely with the off–hand (i.e., firing a gun) suffers </br>a –2 dice pool modifier (see Attacker Using Off-Hand </br>Weapon, p. 178). </br></br>From the CRB, page 71.</br></br>There's an incredibly cheap piece of ware, Bilateral Co-ordination Co-processor, that's about 0.2 Esse and 4.5k Nuyen to eliminate the penalties for all hands, yet it seems like Nartaki's need to take Ambidexterity three times to eliminate their offhand penalties.imes to eliminate their offhand penalties.)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Does a control rig give bonus dice to vehicle defense tests? Additionally, does hotsim, the rigger hotsim bonus, and control rig boosters add to it as well?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Does an RCCs noise reduction and sharing rDoes an RCCs noise reduction and sharing rule include programs? or are they counted separately?</br>The section 'noise reduction and sharing' only mentions Autosofts but not Programs. And the 'rigger cyberprograms' section does not mention either way.</br>So for a device rating 5 RCC is it "noise reduction, autosoft, and program combined total of 5" or "noise reduction and autosoft combined total of 5, and also 5 programs"?combined total of 5, and also 5 programs"?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Does the Virtual Machine program increase Does the Virtual Machine program increase the number of autosofts an RRC can run?</br></br>And while I'm at it:</br></br>"Here’s a list of handy programs for the savvy rigger and their basic function. See the Programs section of the Matrix chapter (p. 243) for more detail." -Rigger Programs Sidebar, pg. 269 Core</br></br>Are these the *only* programs that can be run on a RRC? *only* programs that can be run on a RRC?)
    • Mechanics Thread I  + (Does trust fund cover subscription costs? If I take a platinum skillsoft subscription, which become part of lifestyle cost. Does my trust fund which covers "Medium Lifestyle" which is still is mind, cover the subscription?)