The Frankfurt Furlough

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The Frankfurt Furlough
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Stuffer Shack Halloweeners
John Galt
Awesome Possum
Freddy Frankfurt
Casualties and losses
Truck 0


The runners are hired to do a few smash-and-grabs, but when they get their eyes on the prize, they think big and decide to rob an entire delivery van full of loot from Stuffer Shack.


Freddy works at Stuffer Shack, but when he's caught stealing hotdogs, he's fired. Freddy thinks his firing was unjust, and so he hires runners to steal even more hotdogs to "show them a lesson". With the last of his money, he hires runners to steal enough hotdogs to open up his own hotdog joint.

The Meet

Meeting Freddy behind the stuffer shack he was fired from a few days ago, the team find Freddy strung out on Beta and Kami. Wanting hotdogs and wanting them fast, he asks for 20 - no, 200 boxes of hotdogs to make his own hotdog show. Freddy offers them 6000 Nuyen in cooked beta for their efforts, since he had yet to push his last gigs worth of stuff.

Finding the premise of the gig mostly beneath them, John, Awesome, and Ephemera agree to the deal and work on a heist of hotdogs.

The Plan

Thinking about smash and grabs, the team realizes most stores won't have enough for one heist to work, so they decide to think bigger and hit an entire delivery of hotdogs and such. John walks into a nearby stuffer shack and goes on a tired about hotdogs...

"Its 10Pm, I just got off work, and your hotdogs are STALE! These hotdogs have been sitting here forever and they're STALE and stale hotdogs are bad, I cannot deal with stale hotdogs, I Need fresh hotdogs, when do they get here? I will be here to buy new hotdogs. It has been a stale hotdog kind of day and I will take no more of it."

With the tired annoying the shopkeep, interlaced with fast-talk, he's able to gather that the Stuffer Shack has a delivery of food to be for tomorrow evening at 10 PM. With that, the team sets off to scout the neighborhood, finding a good area to hopefully intercept the truck.

Plan A
Mind control the driver if the windows are down
Plan B
Hack the car if the windows are up
Plan C
Ram the truck and take it by storm

The Run

On the day of, the team is scouting the area. John summons a spirit of man to scout for hotdogs, and finds two vans close by heading in moderately the right direction. With that, the teem keeps their eyes pealed for the truck. Seeing it nearby, John drives onto the highway and gets close.

when near, John realizes that the van has it's windows up, and so gets ephemera to roll the windows down with her matrix kills. Yet, the first hack is unsuccessful, and as the team drives off the highway with the Van, AP yells "Knight Errant!" as a KE cruiser is on the street nearby. Taking things slow, the team drives and keeps her steady, not wanting to alert KE to their presence. John's knuckles are white with anticipation, and Ephemera loses her cool as she tries to keep it together. Eventually the KE cruiser peels off with their sirens on to address a nearby disturbance.

A second hack attempt has Ephemera victorious. The Van's window is rolled down, and with a simple control thoughts, the van drives into a nearby alleyway. Disposing of the driver by stuffing him into a taxi, John pays for the alive-but-dazed van driver to be sent to a local Casino in Downtown. The team checks the vehicle for bugs and finds a tag, which Ephemera destroys.

Once Ephemera hops in the Van, the team drives over to the Bolthole set up by Frankfurt, who demands that the team help him unlock the goods. Yet, as they do, the team realizes that unloading in the middle of the street is going to cause eyes to pry, and prying eyes appear. A gang of halloweeners beset the crew, but as per Possum's request, the team handles it with a negotiation and a half; 'You guys get the truck and drones, we keep the hotdogs'. The halloweeners, confused, see the truck is actually filled with soy dogs. Not wanting the dogs (and instead the 30k nuyen vehicle), they help unload quickly and peel off to cause mayhem elsewhere.


Delivering the goods to Freddy Frankfurt, he pays them as they promised, and the team asks "If there's any more hotdog related gigs coming up, don't call me".


200 Doses of Betameth of 6000 Nuyen (3RVP)
2 Karma (2RVP)
2+2 CDP (1RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)