
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Contact OwnerKaterSalem
Owner's Discord NameKaterSalem#4675
Public Contact?Yes
LocationBerlin (Russian descent)
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Hobbies/ViceMatrix Games
Personal Lifesingle (in search)
AspectsMember of the Schockwellenreiter Berlin
Shadow of the Matrix
Data is for everybody
I know my firewall
Hacking is my life
Matrix addict
Intuitive approach


Tundra is a Berliner of Russian descent. Life has not always been kind to her but her talent in the matrix was recognized and encouraged by the Schockwellenreiter as a child. Now almost 10 years later, Tundra, as Dunja Iwanow calls herself, is one of the most capable members of the network. She avoids personal contact with people she does not know and screens contacts before meeting them in person. If she does not trust you, she will be accompanied by some well-armed Schokwellenreiter friends. Once you have gained her trust (loyalty 4) you are part of her family and Tundra protects her family at all costs.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Member of the Schockwellenreiter Berlin Tundra is an active member of the Schokwellenreiter Berlin and has a strong network. +2 dice for network tests related to the Schokwellenreiter or Berlin.
Matrix addict Tundra lives a life in the matrix she spends a lot of her time there and is an expert in dealing with the matrix. +2 dice for Active checks related to Matrix actions.
Shadow of the Matrix Tundra is not someone who breaks into Matrix systems by force or makes her presence known. +2 dice for Active checks related to Sleaze Matrix actions.
Data is for everybody As long as it is not data of private citizens, Tundra believes that data should be made available to everyone. +2 dice for Active checks related to Data Processing Matrix actions.
I know my firewall Always eager to protect herself and her network, Tundra knows how to defend herself in the Matrix. +2 dice for Active checks related to Firewall Matrix actions.
Hacking is my life Hacking is her nature, it's in her blood, it's part of her soul and she can do it in her sleep. +2 dice for "hack on the fly" matrix actions.
Intuitive approach What she does, she does instinctively and without much thought. +2 dice for Active checks related to intuition.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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