Ungeheuren Ungeziefer

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Ungeheuren Ungeziefer
A lovely little bug who wanted to help his friends :)
LocationSeattle, Snohomish
Status Threat Level: High, Escalated into Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Invae
Various Wasps
Samuel Hawthorne
Casualties and losses
Rogozhin got knocked out, lost a dog, and lost his tolerance for Alkali All OPFOR killed


The Invae are cruel. The invae are heartless. They are not above any kind of subterfuge. They will take your loved ones, replace them and weaponize them. They will use you as bait, then kill those you love, all so they can grow, and grow, and grow, until they have devoured everything.

Four runners were caught in that cycle. Four runners stood in their way. But Four runners could not bring back the love and people who were lost.


Samuel Hawthorne was a run-of-the-mill Street Mage, trying to provide for his family of five. It was quiet, and beyond a small little commune he was with there wasn't much that stuck out about the man. No one could give a damn where they were. They were just unfortunate enough to be picked by the Invaders. Three of them, his wife and sons, were taken as "hostages" by the Invae, who would only let them go if he made them a hive. In reality, the family had already been killed. Just food for the horrid things. But poor Samuel did not know. All he could do is try and save them. His commune became the base of operations for him and the wasps. Meanwhile, his daughter was left alive, to be observed as a lure. She was well connected to shadowrunners, some of the few independents who consistently stood up to Invae without corporate backing. She would call them for aid. And if they were taken by surprise, they would such wonderful hosts. One of the wasps, the one tailing this hapless woman, made a disguise of one of the runners she spoke of. A maid who went by Alkali. The wasp took his time learning more about the maid, readying for the chance to prey upon those clueless mercs.

The Meet

A group of five gathered to answer the poor girl's call and help her find her father, though only 4 were runners. Pockets and Millie were rather quiet, Rogozhin was his usual unsociable self with his strange pets, and Limitless found herself made fun of for her confusion over the strangeness. But regardless, they were briefed: 10k nuyen for following the only lead the poor girl had, that being the commune that was rather cagey about her father's whereabouts. She gave what she knew, which wasn't much, but it did mention a specific musician that Limitless had heard of: Raven Son, who...should have been getting ready for a performance downtown but for some reason was...with the commune in Snohomish? The band, Medea Meets Medusa, usually prepared in District. But, Alkali didn't seem to think much of it. It was likely just some eccentricity from the musician. Still, they had a location, a price, and if they wanted they could get some extra value through boltholes and other hideouts in Snohomish. So...they went off to the camp the commune was at.

The Plan

The plan was fairly simple: The group would split up into pairs of two (Alkali and Rogozhin, Limitless and Pockets, and Millie as backup) to cover more ground as they tried to amicably find out more information on the situation. If they weren't able to find anything concrete about Mr. Hawthorne, they'd have to be sneaky again, which Limitless and Millie were raring to try. Alkali wasn't too thrilled about it, and considering he had to carry his bags all around, it'd be a pain.

The Run

There was something wrong. Deeply wrong. Raven Son was a Sioux native, but didn't wear anything remotely like the culture of his home nation. Alkali wasn't worried about it. Things were too easy to walk around in. They wanted Limitless and Pockets to wait around for them under a lodge's wards as he went to get some "business handled" during his showing of the place. He was so eager to show them. Rogozhin and Alkali went out to search another lodge. But, despite knowing where the father likely was, being free to go wherever, Alkali led Rogo to a different lodge. Hand in hand, carefree and gentle. Alkali was so sweet to Rogozhin, placing his head on the necromancer's shoulders. The...the others in the lodge even left to give the two space. The poor necromancer was blushing and embarrassed and-

Alkali choked out Rogozhin when they were alone. He was knocked out swiftly.

Millie was keeping an eye out, Rogozhin's carcass spirit was ready to bound to his rescue, and the two paired off in the lodge saw Rogozhin's condition on his biomonitor just...drop unconscious. Then they noticed the two bug-like people coming out from the little beaded veil deeper in the lodge, coming right at them.

The team fought for their lives - Millie and the dog went to deal with the bugs after Rogozhin, Limitless killed the bug pretending to be Raven Son and booked it outside as Pockets stayed behind to deal with the bugs left over. it was chaotic. Brutal. The dog died killing the bug impersonating Alkali, Pockets was holding his own desperately against multiple bugs. And Limitless, after seeing Samuel just barely in the windows of one of the lodges, propelled herself up there with a grenade to help him. But there was no one to help.

Just a shaman to kill.

The Invae and their shaman were killed. Rogozhin was recovered, though the lost of his pet and someone he cared for clearly left an impact. Limitless was equal parts infuriated and mortified. But...At least they found Samuel. At least they figured out what happened.


They went back to the J after. Limitless, with a heavy heart, gave the news, volatile and even willing to knock Rogozhin back out for scoffing at the empathy. Ms. Hawthorne was...well, she couldn't tell. She couldn't tell if she should hate the man who did the unforgivable to try and save a doomed family. She didn't know if she could answer that. But she needed to make sure the nest was dealt with. So she called the authorities.

The runners were...paid. Moreso out of obligation than a job well done. The bugs did not kill these wayward runners today. But they did break off bits of them that day.

The jagged shards of a broken home are razor sharp, after all.


10 Karma (10 RVP)

12,000¥ (6 RVP) or 24k in boltholes in Snohomish

4 CDP (1 RVP)

In addition the following optional qualities at gen rate

Cynic (6 RVP) - All

Strive For Perfection (12 RVP) - Pockets, Limitless

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


The beer cans from her earlier hangout were very attractive. They helped to drown out the anger, at least for that night.


"Fraggin'...Insects. Insects! In our team! What the hell! Wasn't this haven supposed to be secure? How the frag are bugs getting on our runs? Now I'm going to have to vet every member of our runs before we even meet the J. Unbelievable. At least I got a lot of tips on how to do so reliably. Came from that Alkali guy, who was a bug last time, so I don't know how 'safe' it is. Absolutely insane. Not for the last time, I imagine, I find myself wishing I could just be a part of Ares Corpsec."


"That's the last time I try zen, man."