
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Olivia Silence
John Galt


The runners are asked to rig a fight without it seeming rigged. Some easy planning and low-key running turns a 2 day plan into more of a 'friends hang out and watch wrestling together' as the team of competent runners are able to smoothly achieve their objectives.


A large fight championship in Seattle was happening, and the J, cleverly named 'Ms. Johnson', had money riding on the fight. Wanting her 50% bet to become a 100% bet, she tasked runners with rigging the fight. Though, simply removing one half the equation wouldn't work, instead, the team needed the fighter, Madona, to lose to her opponent, Rhea.

The Meet

The runners Olivia Silence, John Galt, and Lumina head to a meet is in Downtown, but in a C zone. Inside of a bar's back room, the runners find an orc Woman, named Ms. Johnson. The J wants a fight cut in the finals of a tournament of wrestling, so the premise is simple; Make the 'fan favorite' Madonna Leblanc lose in the fight. Disqualification would be not good, because that means that the J would lose on her bets. The J offered 6k nuyen each, assuming the bet is successful. A negotiation to attempt to bet some of the runners money is successful, and pending the mission going through, the team is able to potentially get more money for the job.

The Plan

Madona Leblanc; a literal Giant woman, is known for her habits of recreation substance uses. With this info from a quick matrix search, the runners three decide that perhaps mind magic or spiking their drink might be the best way to go.

A matrix search reveals that the security includes a ward and physical security, and the ward was made by a cheap and inexperienced ritualist. Given their potential lack of defenses, Silence will trigger the astral security and lead them away, while John sneaks in and uses DMSO to drug both fighters. Drugging Rhea Atkinson, they're planning to use drugs to make sure she does the job real good.

The Run

As soon as the runners have their plan, they wait for the big night; Silence parks her care a few blocks away, and John summons a spirit and leaves it protecting Silence. Meanwhile, John and Lumina head towards the venue to begin their infiltrations. Silence disrupts the barrier and watcher spirit, but finds the barrier re-ups quickly, so she heads inside to find the barrier source.

Lumina and John, once inside, get ready to sneak in, and head to a washroom to cast their spells to let Lumina sneak in and deliver the drugs. Having 'performance issues' with his magic, John takes a few tries to get a cracker of an invisibility spell, but eventually does perform quite well, allowing Lumina to sneak to the target. Lumina successfully plants the drugs, or so it seems.

Silence, still in the astral, searches for and destroys the barrier. The opposing force mage, now worried, appears but does not see Silence, and is immediately thwacked unconscious. Returning to her vehicle, she mentions her success, and the spirit goes in.

While watching the fight, John and Lumina notice that Madona doesn't go down, and actually wins the first fight. Concerned, the team tries to see if their plan is working. A close perception shows that Madona is affected by the drugs, as is her opponent. However, the effect isn't enough, so John tasks his now free man spirit to confuse the target, which directly leads to Madona getting her ass kicked in the 2nd round.

And, in the 3rd round, given all the disadvantages, Madona takes an L, losing the championship fight.


Dismissing the spirit and using etiquette to get out, the team is able to make their way back to Ms. J, and nab their payment.


  • 6k Nuyen (3 RVP)
  • 500 Negotiation nuyen (bets)
  • 5 Karma (5 RVP)
  • 2 Bonus CDP (1 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
Optional, taking from above rewards:
  • Focused Concentration for John (4 RVP)
  • Good Looking and Knows it for Lumina (9 RVP + 2 GMP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Olivia Silence

A simple job, I enjoy it when things stay simple. John and Lumina, I'll keep their contact info, so I can find them again. I won't be remised to be working with them more.

John Galt

Tight shit. Got to watch some wrestling, got to get paid, got to fuck with people. Damn, there's a steak dinner in my future. Madame Silence has the, simply, coolest fucking shadow name ever, and Olivia can lie with the best of em. Preem fuckin' afternoon.


What a fun and pleasant run! It was great working alongside John and Silence.