The Chef

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The Chef
Free Spirit Gourmet
Contact OwnerElayne_Malachite
Owner's Discord NameElayne_Malachite
Public Contact?Yes
MetatypeFree Spirit of Man
Preferred Payment MethodIngredients & Stories (Reagents and Karma)
Personal LifePerfecting the art of Cooking
FactionSpirits of Tacoma
AspectsAlways Available
Flexible Signature
Healthy Body
Healthy Soul
Food Alchemist
Shared Understanding
Advanced Alchemy
Karma Fueled
Add Your Own Spice


The Chef runs a small cafe in Tacoma called "Food for the Soul" where they spend their life perfecting the art of cooking. Their food inspires people to great deeds, and they relish the stories of such acts of daring along with the karma that they produce.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Karma Fueled As a spirit, The Chef requires a payment in karma in exchange for their services. They will provide alchemical preparations to fill a vault of ages with a rating equal to the karma paid plus their loyalty with a minimum payment of (1 or 2) karma. If you wish for the preparations to be fixated, then you'll be required to pay the karma cost for that as well as providing any normal or refined reagents used in the creation process (Setting the Limit, Advanced Alchemy Compounds, or Adding Your Own Spice).
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Always Available The Chef is always in. As a sleepless spirit, their restaurant is open every hour of the day. Make availability tests at +2.
Food Alchemist The Chef has dedicated themselves to weaving their magic into their food. Their alchemical preparations take the form of different types of snacks with a contact trigger. Traditionally, the preparation is eaten after usage.
Flexible Signature The Chef understands that some of their patrons will be using their goods for less than savory purposes. They've developed the skills to prevent their preparations from carrying their astral signature. Treat them as being an IG 3 magician with a force (Connection) flexible signature focus (Threshold 6 + (Connection) to detect the true signature)
Healthy Body, Healthy Soul The Chef specializes in creating alchemical preparations belonging to the Health school.
Shared Understanding The Chef specializes in creating alchemical preparations belonging to the Detection school.
Advanced Alchemy The Chef is a gourmet with knowledge of even the most obscure recipes.
Add Your Own Spice The chef loves incorporating ingredients brought to them by their customers. Apply this aspect when you are providing (cooking themed) reagents.
Placeholder Placeholder


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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