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Solipsistic Mage
Dark Mage
Contact Ownerelleelleellehog
Owner's Discord NameLHOG
Public Contact?Yes
LocationBellevue, Seattle
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, Favors, Compliments
Personal LifeFantastic
AspectsFragile Ego
Astral Glory
Dark Mage
Infected Knowledge
Focused Power
At the Speed of Astral
Power Hungry


Imperator is an historian with shady connections and a big ego, working at the University of Washington in Seattle. Participation in her classes is required to be in person, because she refuses to teach in any form other than her astral form. Rumours abound on campus as to her true identity, where she's based out of, and so on. Any curious parties have found themselves repelled with high force wards and high force spirits, making it utterly clear that she values her privacy highly.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Fragile Ego Insults are not merely insulting - they are an active threat to the power of a dark mage, whose strength lies in their self belief to a degree. Therefore, anyone who insults Imperator - even by accident - is a threat. Runners must make an Etiquette check with a threshold of 3 prior to using this contact. Failing this check means the runner owes Imperator a chip. Glitching this check means that Imperator's loyalty will be decreased by 1. Reducing loyalty to 0 in this manner burns the contact.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Astral Glory Imperator will only appear before others in her astral form - its glory is something she's proud of. Imperator will refuse to meet with any runner whose loyalty is less than 5 via any means other than astral projection. For those with loyalty 5 or higher, she will only agree to meet in person in exchange for a chip. This chip is spent regardless of the results of her aid.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Dark Mage Imperator is a full mage of the Dark Magic tradition.
Infected Knowledge While Imperator is not infected herself, due to the number of infected who follow the Dark Magic tradition, she is familiar with these individuals. +2 to checks related to infected.
Talismonger Imperator has talent as a talismonger, and is willing to provide her services to handle artificing and disenchanting - so long as the item can be sent to her without physical interaction. +2 to checks relating to the Enchanting skill group.
Focused Power To Imperator, there is nothing more important than power - and the fastest shortcut to that is a power focus. +2 to checks related to power foci, whether making them or knowing things about them.
Psychologist Learning to maintain her ego to the degree required to successfully keep casting in her tradition required that Imperator learn a great deal about psychology. She may be a professor. +2 to checks related to the field of psychology.
At the Speed of Astral The upshot of being mostly available on the astral is that Imperator can project globally. Her availability is unchanged even when working from far away.
Power Hungry If the action being performed furthers Imperator's goals of increasing her personal power in some way, she receives a +2 bonus to her dicepool. This is entirely at GM discretion.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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