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==Narrative Significant Runs==
==Narrative Significant Runs==
RATS A Night at The Opera
RATS Spectacular Spectacular!


Revision as of 14:26, 7 March 2024

Redmond Amateur Theatrical Society
Theatre Masques 2.jpg
TypeCommunity Theatre Group
Player May JoinYes
Area of OperationSeattle, Redmond

Faction Information


A group of interested individuals is commited to expanding the availability of performing arts to the poverty-stricken and oppressed. The establishment of the Redmond Amateur Theatrical Society was their first project.


Provide access to the performing arts to the down trodden of Redmond.

Major Locations

Goldhammer Circus

The Stage Door Deli


Carleton Moreau Antifa Fixer & Venture Capitalist. Finance & Fundraising, The Stage Door Deli

Katrina Smythe-Jones University Professor, Opera Insider. Fundraising

Katherine Davis Theatrical Impresario, Theatrical Insider.

Mrs. Winslow Administrative Assistant, Theatrical Insider.

Connie Swail Accountant, Opera Insider.

Naomi Fisk Theatre Director. Naomi Fisk is a private contact but I have the owner's permission to include her in my runs. Other GMs will have to make their own arrangements.

Maria di Gangi Vocal Director, Opera Insider.


A group of interested individuals is commited to expanding the availability of performing arts to the poverty-stricken and oppressed. The establishment of the Redmond Amateur Theatrical Society was their first project. A similar effort in the Ork Underground will follow.


Ticket Agent, Goldhammer Circus Venue

Crimson Crush Protection

Francesco di Gangi Protection


Max Malini, Circus of Crime

Current Status

Newly Founded

Health Summary

Newly Founded



Carleton Moreau

Katrina Smythe-Jones

Katherine Davis

Mrs. Winslow

Connie Swail

Naomi Fisk

Maria di Gangi


NamePositionFaction Rep

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
RATS- Spectacular Spectacular!VilliersAll The World's a Stage13 March 2085
RATS A Night at The OperaVilliersAll The World's a Stage27 February 2085
RATS in The Barrens Part IVilliersAll The World's a Stage30 December 2084

ShadowGrid Comments