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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Blackhawk]]: ''"I... get stronger for certain reasons. To make amends for what I have done. To protect those that can't protect themselves... and to protect those I care about. I hurt her... her life is in danger cause of me. I have new skills and a man who can hone them. I will use them now... I will find people that can help her. I will earn enough Nuyen to pay people willing to help or find people who will do it out of kindness... there are some that might despite what the world may say. But no matter what I WILL do it. I will find a way to save her. Please Hex... hang on... that's all I ask."''
"well this run started like most others but it ended quite differently than expected.. i do hope what ever that scrap virus did.. it didn't cause too much trouble.. granted based on the kids reaction it didn't sound like a small thing"

Latest revision as of 09:18, 30 June 2023

Metallican Interview
LocationOrc Underground
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Cleaner Cleaner



In the search for a sensei to further hone his skills with his weapons, Blackhawk lucked out as through Bellerophon he was informed of one that could do so. A western theme'd orc named Ghaz.

The Meet

Heading through the first level of the Orc Underground, Blackhawk was able to find and locate a small abandoned parking complex that had since been turned to a small community for orc's. It's main protector/sheriff being the aforementioned Ghaz himself. After a brief negotiation with Blackhawk, Ghaz agreed to train Blackhawk provided he proved himself worthwhile. Finding a shipment of drugs meant to be sold in order to provide his people and him some Nuyen to better help their lives. Easily agreeing to these terms Blackhawk set off to earn the mentorship with the aid of other runners. Sending the job towards the Haven both Chofer and Cleaner Cleaner accepted the job for varying reasons despite no pay. The runners then set off towards the second layer of the Orc Underground to begin their journey.

The Plan

Heading down towards the Second lair the runners managed to find a cargo elevator that led to it. A brief pebble throwing mishap later and a clean shot later to incapacitate the on standby guard, they had access and drove towards their destination. On the road towards their destination however, a strange radioactive field made itself known to the runners. As well as a very odd signal coming into play over the radio relaying an ominous message in Russian that Cleaner was able to translate.


Knowing the general information provided pertained towards the West Coast Monolith as the Monolith was their sworn enemies, Blackhawk sent the translation via text/DNI only for him to hear Hextech screaming in pain before her comm went dark. Now immensely scared for her safety he urged the other runners to pick up the pace and continue onwards. Them wondering why he seemed so concerned all of a sudden. Now picking up the pace towards their destination.

The Run

As the group of runners arrived towards what seemed to be an abandoned restaurant, the runners now adamantly searching high and low for the shipment or orcs/ogre that went missing. Chofer however was able to identify strange metallic footsteps coming from within. However, Blackhawk and Cleaner entered finding only locked doors and flash bangs, they eventually found a lone bartender asking what they would like to order. With strange interactions following involving said bartender, the two decided to try to disarm the flashbangs tied towards the front door with the use of a firearm despite the bartender's request. After firing towards the door the two were barricaded inside as an unknown toxin filled the room. Sinister drones then emerging outside the now barred doors to break the chemseal keeping the two alive. Blackhawk's failing while Cleaner kept her safe from the mercury liquid that seeped into the room. Chofer's drone providing them solace as it took a shot that might've spelt the end for Cleaner or Blackhawk. The two in the meanwhile blasting open the door to escape into the open air safe from the smog. Cleaner blasting the head off of the drone outside. Unfortunately then the drone at the opposite end blasted the runners comms leaving them in the dark. Cleaner with a now shattered pelvis and Blackhawk a broken ribcage. Now having to use essence to carry and move Cleaner with her injury the pair moved around the corner to blast the remaining drone. Blackhawk struggling to aim while using Cleaner's body as a brace. Meanwhile Cleaner was capable of demolishing the robot with a singular clean shot once more.

Taking time to recover slightly from their wounds, Chofer realized through investigation of their drones and context clues, that most likely the shipment and individuals resided in the third lair of the Orc underground. Before heading down however the mysterious bartender wanted to come with as their "dog" was injured and that it required "medical attention." Not seeing the harm in it the group of runners descended towards the sewers and through Cleaner's tracking skills with aid from Blackhawk they were able to find the men with the shipment rather quickly. Upon meeting them however it turned out the said men had used up the entire shipment in an attempt to survive whatever transpired. Them apparently growing pale as the bartender made their presence known. Taking what little remained of the shipment the 3 muttered a statement Cleaner heard that caused her to raise her gun at the three men. Blackhawk joining not too long afterwards. The three apparently having been hired by a mysterious man. After a quick standoff that was resolved by a shut then barricaded door. The runners and bartender headed back towards the surface with what little they gained.


The bartender followed them back all the way towards their car where upon they revealed their true colors and name. That of Von Neumann. The entire ordeal down below with the drones and gas being their form of a "test." To see if they were worthy of working for them. They then presented the runners with an offer. Either join them in his efforts or take a serum that would alter their memories to forget of his existence. The only other alternative being death. While Blackhawk and Cleaner declined the offer and took the serum, Chofer agreed. Having a bomb implanted in their brain that would detonate if they ever spoke about his existence or what really happened down below. After escorting the two unconscious runners back up towards the surface. Blackhawk rushed back towards the West Coast Monolith with Cleaner in toe due to being curious. Leaving her outside the camp and only turning on his bodycam when safe/she would not see anything damning or secret of the base. Hextech unfortunately suffered as dissonance was transferred to her when Blackhawk sent the message.



  • 15 Karma (10 RVP)
  • 12 CDP (5 RVP)
  • Initiation for Blackhawk or Cleaner Cleaner (optional)
  • Optional: Longarms Sensei (Ghaz) at Chargen Rates (5 RVP)
  • Optional: Bolt Hole lifestyles at Ghaz's coffin motel (2 months per Karma RVP traded)
  • Optional: Ghaz, 2/2 Cowboy Sheriff (3 RVP)


  • Von Neumann, 8/1 Xenosapient AI (8 RVP)
  • 44,000 Nuyen for Drones & Cyberware up to 19 Availability

(If any Nuyen is left over, take 50% of the remainder as raw Nuyen)

  • 4 CDP (1 RVP)
  • Mundane Ascension
  • Optional: Sensei in any Active Skill at Chargen Rates (5 RVP)

Total Cost: 41,100 Nuyen (1 Mundane Ascension RVP (20,000) required; will leave 19,450 Nuyen) Shiawase i-Doll (Built-in Skill Autosoft is Etiquette) Pilot Program (Drone) R6 Ares Victory Industrious (Janitor Overalls)


Total Cost: 82,400 Nuyen (4 Mundane Ascension RVP (80,000) + 1 Run Reward RVP (4,000), will leave 800 Nuyen) Saeder-Krupp Direktionssekretar Pilot Program (Drone) Rating 6 Realistic Features (Drone) Rating 3 Armmor Downgrade (Drone) Handling (Drone) Rating 8 Maneuvering Autosoft Rating 6 Stealth Autosoft Rating 6 Personality (autosoft)


  • Hextech is infected with Dissonance due to Monolith's scrap code broadcast being sent to her.
  • Von Neumann installs a kink bomb in Chófer's head that goes off if she tells anyone about its existence if she accepts any cyberware from it.
  • Ghaz ends up losing three Skraacha members that were 'recruited' by Von Neumann with kink bombs in their heads. They're now working as infiltration couriers for it on the surface.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Blackhawk: "I... get stronger for certain reasons. To make amends for what I have done. To protect those that can't protect themselves... and to protect those I care about. I hurt her... her life is in danger cause of me. I have new skills and a man who can hone them. I will use them now... I will find people that can help her. I will earn enough Nuyen to pay people willing to help or find people who will do it out of kindness... there are some that might despite what the world may say. But no matter what I WILL do it. I will find a way to save her. Please Hex... hang on... that's all I ask."


"well this run started like most others but it ended quite differently than expected.. i do hope what ever that scrap virus did.. it didn't cause too much trouble.. granted based on the kids reaction it didn't sound like a small thing"