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==The Meet==
==The Meet==
[[Chameleon]] is called upon by Katrina Smythe-Jones to do her a solid favor and help manage the situation. She describes to him the general issue, and askes that he looks into it for her. She mentions that Kirby might have some additional information since his Skraacha allies are suppose to be preventing this sort of incident. Following the initial meet, [[Chameleon]] pays for coffee and sets to work.
[[Chameleon]] is called upon by [[Katrina Smythe-Jones]] to do her a solid favor and help manage the situation. She describes to him the general issue, and askes that he looks into it for her. She mentions that Kirby might have some additional information since his Skraacha allies are suppose to be preventing this sort of incident. Following the initial meet, [[Chameleon]] pays for coffee and sets to work.

==The Plan==
==The Plan==
[[Chameleon]] calls some contacts to get some background on the gang and the expansion efforts in general. Following this he contacts [[Kirby Fansbreath]] and sets up a meeting. While awaiting the meeting he contacts [[Quentin Alvarez]] to drive around town and provide a little backup. [[Chameleon]] puts on a Lady ork face and heads to the meeting with Kirby.

Kirby mentions that he had herd some rumblings from Katrina but was currently too overloaded to deal with it, he directed [[Chameleon]] to his Skraacha contact, [[Warboss]]  who is in charge of the local crew and the one responsible for directing the security forces.
[[Chameleon]] met with Warboss and managed to squeeze out some information without annoying the tweaked out Ork. Warboss said that the problem "ain't wit his boyz, that some of the local gitz got it in their headz that he's not orky enoguh to run the gang anymore. They set off on their own." Warboss provided some details about the groups leader. Zoggak, an adept of some skill, stole one of [[Kirby Fansbreath]]'s priced kuck foci and stormed off with a bunch of other like minded Skraacha. He thinks that the alliance is a mistake and the underground should stay pure, and clean of the surfacers. If [[Chameleon]] can somehow discredit Zoggak, then Warboss suspects he can take the lost lambs back home. He could handle it himself naturally but is currently far too busing planning out security for the up coming concert series. [[Chameleon]] hears this and decides to deal with them himself.

==The Run==
==The Run==
[[Chameleon]] heads back to the surface and enlists the help of [[Veronica Saunders]] as some additional muscle. Following a quick gender change to male ork, and a nice Italian meal, the crew head back to the underground and to the site of the new theatre. Following the tunnel to the location, the team stumbles upon a series of ruined city blocks, remnants of Old Seattle. Once such building contains a suspiciously intact gargoyle, despite the many broken brothers and sisters around it and the entire building nearly collapsed in. A mystery for another day as the team presses onwards.
They eventually stumble upon a ramshackle toll booth with a few orks inside. When approaching one of the orks demanded they stop, announcing this as Skraacha. [[Chameleon]] requests and nearly demanded a talk with their boss. The guards seemed fearful to ask their boss if this was possible and was eventually bribed to do so. They told the group the boss was busy but let them enter in order to wait for him.
A little further a head they saw a make shift town with a handful of ork guards, gangers, and civilians. A small town built up among the fallen buildings. One building, still mostly intact, seemed far cleaner and fancier than anything else that had seem on the way over. Large columns, a lovely lobby partially restored and a huge amphitheater. Within the crumbling "stage" stood Zoggak, holding some form of anti surface rally. Zoggak was spouting all sorts of surface hate speech and the crowd was eating it up.

[[Chameleon]] and crew waited and watched until his rally was over, while leaving the stage they intercepted him and attempted to talk him down from his "madness". This stance really irked Zoggak who demanded they get out. [[Chameleon]] then challenged him to a 1 on 1 dual in hopes of discrediting him in front of his people. The raging Ork scoffed at the tiny ork man challenging him and ignited his fist of energy to attack. A brawl began with Zoggak  dodging Chameleon's attacks and Chameleon countering all of Zoggak's. Each strike took away a tiny piece of Zoggak's magic and dexterity until the final blow rendered him magicless and paralyzed. The crowd quicky turned as their "messiah" was so effortlessly demolished in front of them.

[[Chameleon]] Talked the crowd down and attempted to preach to them acceptance of the surface dwellers while waiting the arrival of Warboss. Once he was on scene the entire crew bowed before his troll rawer. He threatened their lives should they ever challenge his leadership again, pointing out that his "enforcer" could easily do to them what was done to Zoggak. He then killed Zoggak, recovered the stolen Foci and departed with his people.

Katrina was thrilled that the issue was resolved, and Chameleon and staff all went out dancing to celebrate.

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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
[[Chameleon]] Damn that was a nimble troll! I pulled out all the stops and couldn't land a straight forward punch. Thank the Maker for counterstrikes. Sensei just taught me those moves, I should buy her another dinner. It was sad seeing Zoggak executed. He was a worthy opponent. I guess it was inevitable, he had leadership skills and lots of ambition. The Underground is looking up. The venue for the theatrical group looks promising. The Underground Grotto Hotel is stunning; way out of my league. Maybe a special event...
[[Chameleon]] Damn that was a nimble troll! I pulled out all the stops and couldn't land a straight forward punch. Thank the Maker for counterstrikes. Sensei just taught me those moves, I should buy her another dinner. It was sad seeing Zoggak executed. He was a worthy opponent. I guess it was inevitable, he had leadership skills and lots of ambition. The Underground is looking up. The venue for the theatrical group looks promising. The Underground Grotto Hotel is stunning; way out of my league. Maybe a special event...Katrina seems pleased with the outcome. I should see her in class Friday, I wonder if she has any more work, I prefer her owing me a favor she's more likely to take my calls. My night on the town with Veronica, Quentin & Quentin's friend was an eye opener. Turns out that all my lessons in ballroom dancing don't help a bit in a club setting.

Latest revision as of 11:12, 8 August 2024

Greasing the underground
Part of Or'zet Underground
Part of All The World's a Stage
LocationOrk Underground
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Quentin Alvarez
Veronica Saunders
Rogue Skraacha
Chameleon Zoggak


Expanding the ork underground is hitting some inevitable snags with the locals. The new Ork Underground Theatrical Society is poised to be built but the Skraacha thought otherwise.


Seattle based benefactors are looking to tame the ork underground with a touch of class and culture. They are looking to open a Theatrical Society within the underground and with the construction of the Underhaven Grotto Hotel the time to strike has arrived. Katrina Smythe-Jones is spearheading the funding for its construction with Kirby Fansbreath footing the security. With the new theatre location being within walking distance of his new hotel, he has decided to extend his Skraacha security forces to protect the site while its under construction. A group of Skraacha purists had a different idea. They have broken from the Warboss's Skraacha and are demanding the underground stay pure of all surface intervention. Their leader Zoggak has ralled his people and taken up residence within the site of the new theater, preventing all access too the grounds. All opposing parties are unhappy with this development and seek runners to help bring it to conclusion.

The Meet

Chameleon is called upon by Katrina Smythe-Jones to do her a solid favor and help manage the situation. She describes to him the general issue, and askes that he looks into it for her. She mentions that Kirby might have some additional information since his Skraacha allies are suppose to be preventing this sort of incident. Following the initial meet, Chameleon pays for coffee and sets to work.

The Plan

Chameleon calls some contacts to get some background on the gang and the expansion efforts in general. Following this he contacts Kirby Fansbreath and sets up a meeting. While awaiting the meeting he contacts Quentin Alvarez to drive around town and provide a little backup. Chameleon puts on a Lady ork face and heads to the meeting with Kirby.

Kirby mentions that he had herd some rumblings from Katrina but was currently too overloaded to deal with it, he directed Chameleon to his Skraacha contact, Warboss who is in charge of the local crew and the one responsible for directing the security forces.

Chameleon met with Warboss and managed to squeeze out some information without annoying the tweaked out Ork. Warboss said that the problem "ain't wit his boyz, that some of the local gitz got it in their headz that he's not orky enoguh to run the gang anymore. They set off on their own." Warboss provided some details about the groups leader. Zoggak, an adept of some skill, stole one of Kirby Fansbreath's priced kuck foci and stormed off with a bunch of other like minded Skraacha. He thinks that the alliance is a mistake and the underground should stay pure, and clean of the surfacers. If Chameleon can somehow discredit Zoggak, then Warboss suspects he can take the lost lambs back home. He could handle it himself naturally but is currently far too busing planning out security for the up coming concert series. Chameleon hears this and decides to deal with them himself.

The Run

Chameleon heads back to the surface and enlists the help of Veronica Saunders as some additional muscle. Following a quick gender change to male ork, and a nice Italian meal, the crew head back to the underground and to the site of the new theatre. Following the tunnel to the location, the team stumbles upon a series of ruined city blocks, remnants of Old Seattle. Once such building contains a suspiciously intact gargoyle, despite the many broken brothers and sisters around it and the entire building nearly collapsed in. A mystery for another day as the team presses onwards.

They eventually stumble upon a ramshackle toll booth with a few orks inside. When approaching one of the orks demanded they stop, announcing this as Skraacha. Chameleon requests and nearly demanded a talk with their boss. The guards seemed fearful to ask their boss if this was possible and was eventually bribed to do so. They told the group the boss was busy but let them enter in order to wait for him.

A little further a head they saw a make shift town with a handful of ork guards, gangers, and civilians. A small town built up among the fallen buildings. One building, still mostly intact, seemed far cleaner and fancier than anything else that had seem on the way over. Large columns, a lovely lobby partially restored and a huge amphitheater. Within the crumbling "stage" stood Zoggak, holding some form of anti surface rally. Zoggak was spouting all sorts of surface hate speech and the crowd was eating it up.

Chameleon and crew waited and watched until his rally was over, while leaving the stage they intercepted him and attempted to talk him down from his "madness". This stance really irked Zoggak who demanded they get out. Chameleon then challenged him to a 1 on 1 dual in hopes of discrediting him in front of his people. The raging Ork scoffed at the tiny ork man challenging him and ignited his fist of energy to attack. A brawl began with Zoggak dodging Chameleon's attacks and Chameleon countering all of Zoggak's. Each strike took away a tiny piece of Zoggak's magic and dexterity until the final blow rendered him magicless and paralyzed. The crowd quicky turned as their "messiah" was so effortlessly demolished in front of them.


Chameleon Talked the crowd down and attempted to preach to them acceptance of the surface dwellers while waiting the arrival of Warboss. Once he was on scene the entire crew bowed before his troll rawer. He threatened their lives should they ever challenge his leadership again, pointing out that his "enforcer" could easily do to them what was done to Zoggak. He then killed Zoggak, recovered the stolen Foci and departed with his people.

Katrina was thrilled that the issue was resolved, and Chameleon and staff all went out dancing to celebrate.


Rewards Greasing the underground medium - 10 RVP

1 RVP upgrade loyalty to 5 for Katrina

10 CDP (4RVP)

4 Karma (4 RVP)

2000Y (1 RVP)

+1 favor with Katrina

2 faction rep with the Skraacha


Warboss 6/2 (7 RVP)

Loyalty boost Veronica Saunders, +1 loyalty (1RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Chameleon Damn that was a nimble troll! I pulled out all the stops and couldn't land a straight forward punch. Thank the Maker for counterstrikes. Sensei just taught me those moves, I should buy her another dinner. It was sad seeing Zoggak executed. He was a worthy opponent. I guess it was inevitable, he had leadership skills and lots of ambition. The Underground is looking up. The venue for the theatrical group looks promising. The Underground Grotto Hotel is stunning; way out of my league. Maybe a special event...Katrina seems pleased with the outcome. I should see her in class Friday, I wonder if she has any more work, I prefer her owing me a favor she's more likely to take my calls. My night on the town with Veronica, Quentin & Quentin's friend was an eye opener. Turns out that all my lessons in ballroom dancing don't help a bit in a club setting.