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|Aspect= Panopticon
|Aspect= Part of the Family
|Description= Cameras, bugs, RFID tags, all de
|Description= Hikari is enmeshed in the Yakuza scene, with a wide range of knowledge and connections. +2 to tests related to Yakuza clans and their business, towards Japanese culture or enclaves, or the JIS.

Revision as of 06:00, 17 September 2024

Hikari Ishihara
Kenran-Kai Komon
Technical Specialist
Contact OwnerArchtmag
Owner's Discord NameArchtmag
Public Contact?Yes
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen, Favors
Hobbies/ViceSocial Drinking, Clubbing, Hidden Nerd Drek
Personal LifeSingle, but has a dog
AspectsTechnical Specialist
Cyber Connection
For the Family
Logistics Expert
Part of the Family
Cyborg Commander


Growing up by the Tacoma docks, the child of two local workers, Hikari's life was humble, but though comfortable. Her father was a clerk, her mother a technician, who helped maintain the great machinery that moved goods on and off cargo vessels. Hikari idolized her mother, following her around, helping where she could and absorbing as much knowledge as she could. She might have ended up on the docks as well, until the day her parents were both killed, bystanders in gang violence. Still just a teen, lost and grieving, her family friend, "Uncle" Takashi, took her in. In the midst of this change, very quickly, Hikari learned that parents weren't quite as 'clean' as she had thought. Both had ties to the Kenran-kai, and now, so did she.

While the secrets that had been kept from her hurt, in the Kenran-kai, she saw a way to build a new life for herself and honor her parents at the same time, and so, she dedicated herself to the organization. Things weren't the smoothest, at the start. She didn't grow up in Yak culture, and the volcanic ash fields of Puyallup were a depressing change from the vibrance of the sea. Slowly though, she found her niche, building off her technical skills, and applying them in new directions, directions the Kai could use. Automated security systems, drone warfare, and more, she studied, practiced. Eventually, this skill was rewarded with her current position, Komon, where she she focuses in maintenance and repair of technical systems, and on overseeing the deployment of these assets in the field.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
For the Family The Kenran-kai is a weak clan, one disrespected by many, but it's a loyal clan, one with a united ambition for greater things. Hikari lost her family once, but now, she's found a second one, and she won't lose that. Hikari will not act against the interests of her clan. If her services are used against the Kenran-kai, and she discovers it, she will burn the runner.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Nerd For all that Hikari has changed and remolded herself since her awkward teen years, at the core, she's still a bit of a nerd. +2 to tests involving technical or academic knowledge. Additionally, this applies to tests involving niche media products.
Logistics Expert Hikari grew up in the docks, following the flow of goods, how they moved and who did it. She's never lost that perspective. +2 to tests involving shipping, smuggling, and logistics networks.
Technical Specialist In her role as Komon, she serves as specialist in drones, mechanical systems and security systems. +2 to tests involving these things. (This excludes matrix security).
Cyber Connection While not a street doc herself, she's well connected among "ware suppliers" and those who install it. +2 to tests involving Ware or the Biotech skillgroup.
Part of the Family Hikari is enmeshed in the Yakuza scene, with a wide range of knowledge and connections. +2 to tests related to Yakuza clans and their business, towards Japanese culture or enclaves, or the JIS.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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