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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
Daisy Mittens - Eughgghghghg. Hate Lizards. Hate Tir noble nonsense. Hate finger wigglin'. Outside of all that nonsense, job was clean. Went good. Payed well. Team was competent, ghosted it like the J asked. Bleach was competent but a little gullible. Lumin was a little green but got it together and Delphi ... I don't even want to touch that rabbithole. Though ... footage could be worth something to the right buyer ... Nah, nah, don't want to get too risky too early, Daisy.

Revision as of 23:13, 4 December 2023

A Dragon's Double-Header
Part of Dragon of a Problem
LocationWashington DC
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
"Lucky" Lucia Carina
UCAS Government Eagle Security
Daisy Mittens


The one in which the runners infiltrate the Federal Mint in order to steal a rare and valuable coin.


Still searching for a cure for the bad luck curse placed on her by her draconic rival. "Lucky" Lucia Carina has decided to try and fight dragon magic with dragon magic. Hearing about a rare coin held in the federal mint that might have some of that good luck magic tied to it. So she turns to ShadowHaven to try and get her hands on it before anyone else can pull it out. Plus it's a cool conversation piece

The Meet

Delphi, Lumin, Bleach, and Daisy Mittens arrive at the Mystic Springs Apartments in Downtown Seattle, being asked to wait until everyone arrives and gets into the elevator before being let up, eventually being let up to the penthouse where the group find Lucia Carina standing in front of a desk. Providing the group with drinks and letting everyone get settled. The group notice that she nicks her thumb while she pours the booze, causing herself pain. Lucia explains that she wants the runners to steal an incredibly rare coin, a double-headed Dunklezahn Memorial 2057 silver dollar stored in the UCAS Mint. The runners negotiate for some extra money upfront before agreeing to the job, and Daisy Mittens gets to throw in one of Lucia's slot machines. Delphi, upon assensing the Johnson, learns that there is a draconic astral form that's wrapping around the gambler's aura. It is also made very clear that if anyone is killed on this run, that the runners will not be getting their pay. Lucia wants this done quietly and peacefully.

Taking a day to get themselves ready, the group arrive to the airport after doing some matrix searches about the coin and the Johnson. Learning that Lucia was a high-roller in the professional gambler world that faded away a few years ago until showing up in the underground gambling circuit and that the coin is theorized to hold the luck of Dunklezahn which is the reason that he was blown up on inauguration night.

The Plan

The group arrives in DeeCee and sets up in Daisy's car to head over to the hotel down from the block from the Mint, splitting into two rooms and deciding to start surveillance into the Mint with Daisy taking control of a Flyspy drone to do physical recon while Delphi and Lumin dive into the Matrix. They find the inventory sheet for the Mint and find that the coin is on "Basement 3". The two cybercowpolks then go to find the employee records and add themselves to the roster. They manage to also find a copy of the floorplans, though note that there isn't a 3rd basement noted on the floor. Bleach meanwhile goes bar-hopping, hoping to find some employees who might be able to give them information. The adept finds two Eagle Security agents sharing a beer at one of the local gin joints and overhears the guards talking about something glowing in the basement of the Mint. The runners regroup and Bleach calls up a mafia capo by the name of Victerro Mueller to get two city cleaner uniforms for herself and Delphi. The group decide to sleep for a few days before confronting the mint.

The Run

With Daisy in the car and Lumin pretending to be on the Mint tour, Delphi and Bleach approach as custodians and are allowed in through a clever lie. Daisy infiltrates with a flyspy drone in order to get advance reconnaissance of the area and Lumin prepares to subvert the cameras upon the signal. Lumin puppeteers the maglock control on the staff only door to open and Bleach and Delphi infiltrate the back area and begin to clean to sell their ruse while Daisy's drone floats down the stairs to try and find more information.

Marking cameras for the rest of the team to avoid and learning the intricacies of the mint's filing system, Daisy is able to find the regular Dunkelzahn Memorial coins, though there are only 10 in the storage box at the Mint. While Delphi and Bleach make their way down the stairs and descend to the second basement to examine the coins and find out that they are the regular kind, not the double-headed one they seek. For that instead, they find a portion of the basement that holds a glowing vault door. When Daisy approaches with the flyspy it is almost destroyed by the psychokinesis of a guardian spirit that appears on the physical plane, wearing a draconic helmet and wearing blue armor that resembles scales. When Delphi and Bleach approach the spirit, it asks "What is your purpose here?" Delphi had heard rumors about this from another runner named Shade who had tried to hit the Mint before but was deterred by the spirit, and had called Ryan Mercury to see if the drake could offer any insight as to the answer. Providing the answer "To be on the right side." the Spirit seemed to calm before asking "and what is the right side?" Delphi remembered some speeches Dunkelzahn had made about being "on the side of metahumanity." Repeating this answer the spirit asks if Delphi is a part of his brood, to which she gives an affirmative response despite being unsure herself. Allowing the runners to go through the glowing vault door, it's revealed to be one of Dunkelzahn's vaults with six other vault doors behind which lies mystery, and a pedestal in the center of the room upon which rests the double-headed coin. Grabbing it with enchanting gloves, Delphi uses her drake form powers to compel the watcher spirits in the Mint to patrol outside so the team can get out cleanly.


Returning to Seattle and giving the coin to Lucia, the gambler holds it close and Delphi is able to see the draconic shadow that is wrapped around her aura lessens its grip somewhat on the woman, leaving her to thank them and give them their agreed upon payment.


18k Nuyen (9 RVP) 7 Karma (7 RVP) 2 CDP Optional Contact: "Lucky" Lucia Carina C4/L2 Gambler (5 RVP or 10 CDP) Questions Lumin & Delphi have 1x 2057 Dunkelzahn Memorial Silver Dollars w/serial numbers included. Daisy Mittens has 1x Krime BIG WINNER TROLL™️ brand slot machine

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Daisy Mittens - Eughgghghghg. Hate Lizards. Hate Tir noble nonsense. Hate finger wigglin'. Outside of all that nonsense, job was clean. Went good. Payed well. Team was competent, ghosted it like the J asked. Bleach was competent but a little gullible. Lumin was a little green but got it together and Delphi ... I don't even want to touch that rabbithole. Though ... footage could be worth something to the right buyer ... Nah, nah, don't want to get too risky too early, Daisy.