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Revision as of 07:00, 11 January 2024

Third-Story Malpractice
Part of La Famille du Peintre
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Bunny Hop



Bunny Hop is doing some nullsect googling (don't worry about it), while Ashford is reading Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and UMTifying it while Crunch and Zenith discuss the merits of not eating at the local taco temple, which Zenith claims is doing blood magic because it managed to upset his stomach. Totally normal 10PM night time activities.

The Meet

The gang is requested to meet at Ash Bucket, a western style saloon in Puyallup City, and after Zenith nearly hits BHop outside of the bar. BHop isn't impressed by the scrungly Zenith, and Ashford seems to think that eating Taco Temple is blood mind magic of some sort. The J wants the group to steal a rail road spike from the Doctor's Hospital of Tacoma. While another runner team is seeking it out as they speak; A decker, a druid, and some street punks. The J and the newbie J offer up 12k for the job, and 4k if they are able to find out who the enemy team is working for.

The Plan

There is no plan.

The Run

Zenith starts the run by shooting a metal skull'd troll in the head, who turns out to be one of the other runners. After some back and forth, the troll heads inside 1k richer. Bunny Hop attempts to watchdog the troll's comm, but instead sees nothing running silent in the area, and a chunky rating 6 host. While BHop begins matrix crimes, Ashford settles into the comfort of the closest alley's trash to project and take a look around. Spying a watcher, wards on some random windows, and the third floor, Ashford doesn't see any dual natured people wandering around. Zenith gets to listen to two mobsters complain about how runners are more metal than metahuman, before insulting them and the two attempt to rob him, leading to a little bit of a scuffle, saving Ashford from mobsters. Heading inside, Crunch talks with Benjamin to make sure he's okay before returning outside to check on Zenith who is presumably vomiting on Ashford's suit. Instead, the gnome finds two passed out Italian mobsters and their runner cohorts. BHop meets the host's security spider, Girl in White, and attempts to convince them that they are meant to be there. It fails, but Girl in White gives BHop their commcode if they find The Heavenly Host. They have a little techno moment, and Girl in White explains that they need BHop to leave or they'll have to kill them. Eventually BHop bribes Girl in White to leave them alone.

Bringing the two wounded men inside, they're able to bluff past the receptionist and pick up a resident. While Zenith and Ashford drop off the two mobsters, the small gnome sneaks past to the medical director's office, Reginald Patel. Zenith pick-pockets the resident, producing a pen. Using high pressure sales tactics and the idea the the hospital would financially benefit from a residency program with UW, Crunch manages to bully the man out of his own office. That pen Zenith took, is actually an injection pen filled with Narcojet. Sadly, he only realizes that as the 'resident' sees Crunch with the box containing the railroad spike, and closes the door behind him, trapping her in the office with him and their objective. Upon hearing this, Zenith sprints down the hall and up the stairs to where the captured gnome is. The 'resident' attempt to nerve strike the gnome, unable due to her pacifist aura, and with some basic somersaults, Crunch keeps out of the way



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)