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-Worked in Shaiwase and was in high social circles and may be able to use that experience.
-Worked in Shaiwase and was in high social circles and may be able to use that experience.
-Worked as an enforcer and lead to plenty of people running to Japan from Shaiwase before him.


Revision as of 19:02, 23 May 2024

Hanma Radis
The Driver / Muscle
a stranger from a strange land
MetatypeOrc, Oni
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.19 January 2057
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - C
Skills - D
Resources - C
#Max IGs/Ascension0
# Optional Infected powers allowed0
Essence(Current/Max): 45/12
# Optional Drake powers availableMajor Powers:0 or Minor Powers:0

Character Information


A man who has made many mistakes and has paid the price for them. But that has not dissuaded him from his goals, he will just be a better man this time around. He just hopes his past doesn't catch up with him.


Improve his lifestyle and regain his arcane abilities.


Born is southern Japan he worked for a Shiawase Subsidiary in construction. During this he became the side peice of an executive's wife and went under the knife to secure that relationship. In order to secure his place in the company he sold out his co workers. And wen the company asked more of him he relented and became an enforcer for the higher ups against he workers. They made him go under the knife to perform his duties. But his karma caught up with him and the executive who wife he was banging used him for a suicide mission. He thought he was moving up in the company moving to corporate espianoge. He barely survived so he sold everything but his trusty shotgun and went to the U.S. and is trying to rebuild his life and work his way up more 'honestly' and reembrace his heratige.

Narrative Significant Qualities


-Worked in Shaiwase and was in high social circles and may be able to use that experience. -Worked as an enforcer and lead to plenty of people running to Japan from Shaiwase before him.


-Has a bad reputation across the pond as both a Rat and a 'Man Pet'.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Red Hot Trailer Park BluesJ.R.19 June 2085
School DaysTyneman10 June 2085
Speed DemonTyneman10 June 2085
Carbonado Rough-UpDexcaliber6 June 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Armstrong 4 1 Fixer Polotical Lobbyist, Made man in the Mob, Smuggler Kingpin, Foodie, Knowledge of the Streets Even
Dr. Noison Gayle 2 2 Service Medical Researcher, Surgeon Short On Cred, He's Heard Of Hippocrates, A Real Surgeon, Went To Fancy School, Knows When To Keep His Mouth Shut, For My Special Friends, Arcane Researcher Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result


R3: Ryan Davis, a fry cook at a food truck.


Taller than most orcs and a bit heafty with a belly to show it.. His red skin makes him easy to pick out in a crowd and his lack of decorum doesn't help. He has grey white hair pulled back into a bun usually hidden under his hat.


Usually wears steel toed boots, thick cargo pants, flannel, leather gloves with bracers to protect his arms, a wide brim hat and a Mempo mask.

Matrix Persona

An armored core AC. Specifically the basic chassis from AC 1.

Character Plot Hooks

His past with Shaiwase could rear its ugly head any day now. He is always on the hunt for someone to enlighten him in his Shamanistic Heritage. He collects Mecha stuff. Anime, movies, games, etc.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments