Dr. Noison Gayle

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Dr. Noison Gayle
Doctor 3.jpg
Medical Researcher, Surgeon
A graduate of MIT&T with half a conscience and a gift for awakened research.
Contact Ownernotaproblemtiger
Owner's Discord NameKirk
Public Contact?Yes
LocationFircrest, Tacoma
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeRecently Exploded
AspectsShort On Cred
He's Heard Of Hippocrates
A Real Surgeon
Went To Fancy School
Knows When To Keep His Mouth Shut
For My Special Friends
Arcane Researcher


Dr. Gayle is a medical researcher who was recently an up-and-comer, until his business partner betrayed him, stole his research results, and took his irreplaceable research materials. Now, he's stuck back at the bottom, providing medical services to the middle-to-lower-class and trying to find the capital and connections required to put his life back into order.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Short On Cred Dr. Gayle’s clinic is in a bad place after his partner screwed him over, his most expensive equipment was shot up, and his move valuable assets stolen. Debt collectors and minor investment solicitations are always on his mind. Sometimes, he needs cash to make ends meet. (Roll a 1d6. On a 1, he will ask for 1d6 x 50 nuyen more for his services than normal.)
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
He's Heard Of Hippocrates Dr. Gayle isn't exactly religious about the Hippocratic Oath, but he remembers it. Loyalty may never be increased by a character with a Notoriety score higher than his current Loyalty. If a Notoriety score jumps above the Loyalty rating, Dr. Gayle will stop taking their calls until something is done about their wicked reputation.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
A Real Surgeon He's talented in biotechnology and trauma surgery, and generally willing to perform triage or remove a kink bomb as rapidly as is needed.
Went To Fancy School Dr. Gayle attended MIT&T and can crunch through medical and academic jargon with incredible rapidity. +2 to any checks involving parsing medical publications or research data.
Knows When To Keep His Mouth Shut Dr. Gayle is capable of providing emergency safehouse services for those who need to drop off the grid abruptly.
For My Special Friends For those who have a good connection with Dr. Gayle (Loyalty 3+), he can provide off-the-grid DocWagon-style rescues and emergency services within the Seattle Metroplex - he has enough longshoremen, gangers, and shadowrunners among his contacts to pull together a rescue team in a pinch, as long as the price is right.
Arcane Researcher Dr. Gayle is an expert in the relatively niche field of non-awakened mana manipulation. Any technologies or techniques that involve the physical or mundane manipulation or detection of mana are something he's probably read about, or at least can dissect and figure out with some time.


Knowledge Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 0 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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