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Despite the deteriorating mental state of Frank over the airwaves, seemingly inflicted by intentional CFD infection, the J has not yet acquired the funds with which to pay for the work, instead holding a fundraising event later that night in their community.
The runner attend and perform, it's all very spinradical.
A mutual friend of Frank and the J offer to lend the team a souped up Ares Venture by which to transport themselves to the offshore platform, and they gladly take him up on the offer, assuring him they'll bring it back in one piece.
Thus ends the extent of anything that could be called a physical ''meet'', with the runners being paid 40,000 Nuyen a head upfront.


Revision as of 21:45, 4 June 2019

A Shadowrun Based on Set Your Goals' This Will Be The Death Of Us
LocationOffshore Evo Facility, Seattle
Result Frank recovered and Evo facility sunk
Factions Involved
Cyber Knight
Casualties and losses
None 30+ SSU-221 units and Unknown number of support personnel


Our team are caught somewhat on the back foot by the call from a panicked Johnson insisting they tune to an archaic radio frequency rather than attempting to organise a meet. Our runners tune their myriad equipment to the given frequency and our met with the voice of a bewildered male ork, whom the J designates as an extraction target from an unknown location.

Cue the grilling of the Ork, who we are told is named Frank, for ideas of his location. Through cross referencing of the armor he is wearing, descriptions of his surroundings, and insight provided by our boys, it's determined that Frank must be located at an offshore Evo blacksite, home to the developnment of SSU 221 units.

Planning and Negotiation over pay ensue.


Despite the deteriorating mental state of Frank over the airwaves, seemingly inflicted by intentional CFD infection, the J has not yet acquired the funds with which to pay for the work, instead holding a fundraising event later that night in their community.

The runner attend and perform, it's all very spinradical.

A mutual friend of Frank and the J offer to lend the team a souped up Ares Venture by which to transport themselves to the offshore platform, and they gladly take him up on the offer, assuring him they'll bring it back in one piece.

Thus ends the extent of anything that could be called a physical meet, with the runners being paid 40,000 Nuyen a head upfront.




40,000 nuyen. 10 karma. +3 Street Punk Scene. (-3 Evo, -3 SSU 221 to obvious runners)


  • Scooter
  • Marionette
  • Cyber Knight
  • Rabbit